Where are the published studies to affirm that “there is strong scientific evidence to support drinking water fluoridation as a safe, effective measure to maintain oral health, prevent tooth decay, and reduce health inequities”? Has anyone in this august body read the Mother-Offspring fluoride studies? These studies reveal that the fetus and the bottle-fed infant in fluoridated communities are at risk of neurotoxicity that manifests in the lowering of IQ. Communities trust and rely on their medical doctors. Sadly, this group hasn’t fulfilled their Hippocratic Oath: “first, do no harm” on this issue. (EC)
The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners is praising the Government’s law change proposal to give the Director-General of Health control over water fluoridation.
President, Dr Samantha Murton says, “the College supports evidence-based medicine, and there is strong scientific evidence to support drinking water fluoridation as a safe, effective measure to maintain oral health, prevent tooth decay, and reduce health inequities.
“Moving responsibility for fluoridation away from local councils, who are not necessarily experts in public health measures and can be pressured by public opinion, ensures that this becomes a considered move towards the betterment of oral health,” she says.
The College had recommended in its 2017 submission to the Health Select Committee, on the matter of the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Bill, that the Director General of Health be appointed the decision-maker on this matter and is pleased to see the proposal.
“Fluoridation of drinking water is a public health measure, says Dr Murton.
“There is a solid evidence base, and sufficiently high levels of support among experts to warrant a national water fluoridation policy,” she says.
*Original article online at https://www.nzdoctor.co.nz/article/moving-responsibility-fluoride-water-health-victory-science-says-gps