REGINA — Regina city council faced a long agenda at its meeting on Wednesday with topics including a water fluoridation program, density targets, conversion therapy and potential train track relocation on Ring Road.
A water fluoridation program was the first item on the agenda. Council heard from six delegates who voiced their opinion on implementing a program, which would add small amounts of fluoride to Regina’s water system.
The majority of delegations were in the dental profession and were in favour of a fluoridation program. Several Canadian cities, including Saskatoon and Moose Jaw, currently have fluoridation programs in place.
“The implementation of fluoridation of the municipal water system in Regina would provide all residents, especially our most vulnerable, with an effective and equitable approach to helping prevent dental decay,” Kelly Fuchs, the senior health educator of the oral health program with the Saskatchewan Health Authority, said. “In all communities and neighbourhoods, we see children with mouths full of cavities and abscesses. They’re living with pain, it’s been left unattended and in many cases it’s left unattended for years.”
Dr. Gerry Uswak with the University of Saskatchewan College of Dentistry said programs like this are endorsed globally by dental and non-dental organizations.
“No credible dental organization does not support community water fluoridation as an effective, preventive modality for dental cavities,” he said.
Other delegations including two residents and one Alberta doctor voiced concerns with adding fluoride to water, which include wasting city funding and a lack of consent given by residents to have a chemical added to their water.
“Please hold off on this. There is more and more science coming out every single year and it is against water fluoridation,” Dr. Bob Dickson with Safe Water Calgary said. “It’s proving neurotoxicity, it’s proving brain damage for our smallest citizens who are not able to speak for themselves.
City council voted 10-1 in favour of adopting the community fluoridation program. Councillor Landon Mohl was the one opposed…
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