Rutland Fluoride Action is a local effort to raise awareness about the treatment of city water with fluoride. The goal is to stop this practice of 30-plus years in the city.
Putting hazardous waste from a phosphate fertilizer plant in Florida into city water is neither risk-free nor very effective. If just one in a thousand city residents were sensitive to the effects of this additive, 16 people would be harmed. Informed consent does not permit that kind of medical practice.
So far, 140 residents of Rutland have signed a statement calling for an end to city fluoridation. You can find their names at, along with links to good information about the risks and ethical issues of fluoridation. You can add your name to the list.
Look for our ads in the Herald and our bumper sticker and banner: “Fluoride: Not in My Water.” Put your name on the sheet that is circulating and on the website. It is headed “Join the Rutland City Movement To Stop Fluoridation.”
Accumulation of fluoride in the body is a lifetime proposition, so unless you want to buy spring water forever, help get this obsolete approach to tooth decay stopped ASAP.