The Spotsylvania Board of Supervisors will meet on January 23rd at 6:00 p.m. in the Holbert Building.
There are several public presentations. Of note, the Human Resource Director will present findings from the Total Compensation Study covering County employee benefits recommendations.
Another is a presentation on fluoride in our county drinking water. The District Health Department’s recommendation is to maintain public drinking water treatment in line with requirements and recommendations of local, state, and federal agencies.
Approval of Agenda
- Wireless Resolution- General Assembly
- Appointment of Karen Adams to the Citizen Budget Review Committee (CBRC)
- Appointment of Chris Yakabouski to the George Washington Regional Commission
- Appointment of Chris Yakabouski to the Healthy Generations Area Agency on Aging Board of Directors
- Appointment of Chris Yakabouski to the Rappahannock Area YMCA
- Appointment of Chris Yakabouski to the Community Policy and Management Team (CPMT)
- Appointment of Leslie Inbody as a Primary Citizen Budget Review Committee (CBRC) Member
Public Presentations 6:02 PM (3 minutes per speaker)
Approval of the Consent Agenda – (Action Items)
- Approval of Contract Renewal to Univar USA Inc. for Water Treatment Chemicals
- Approval of Elys Ford Boat Landing Cooperative Agreement
- Appointment of Greg Benton to the Lake Anna Advisory Committee
- Appointment of Nathan Richards to the Agricultural/Forestal Districts Review Committee
- Continuation of Board Committees and Revocation of Board Committee Charters.
Board Reports
Presentations Reports by Others
- Revised By-Laws Presentation
- Total Compensation Study: Benefits Recommendations
- Drinking Water Fluoridation Informational Presentation
*Original article online at