[Mike Noe, town manager] received the council’s approval to solicit bids for a new water main on Medusa Street. He wanted the bids to go out now so the work can be done before Memorial Day.

Noe also got the council’s OK to discontinue fluoride treatments. Noe said the Indiana Department of Environmental Management has said they don’t need to inject fluoride into the water anymore as the ground water has about .5 mg of natural fluoride. He said the town has said .7 mg is optimal. Noe said with fluoride in toothpaste now “we don’t think we need to make the people of Syracuse ingest more fluoride and chemicals they don’t need, plus it’ll save the town $18,250 a year.”

Noe received four quotes for security at the water, wastewater and street buildings. He received quotes from M&M Security, ADT, Community County Security and Coorsen Security from South Bend. He recommended Coorsen at a cost of $22,340.

*Excerpt from article, titled Dark streets, alleys causing problems, online at