The Welsh Liberal Democrat Assembly Member for South Wales West, Peter Black, has added his voice to those opposed to the addition of fluoride to our water supply. Mr Black was commenting on proposals by the Government to legislate to make it the responsibility of health authorities to determine whether to proceed with fluoridation or not. In Wales this decision would rest with the Assembly.

However, Mr Black believes that any such determination would attract massive opposition both in and outside the Assembly.

“This is not a party political issue. It is an issue with the potential to split parties. On the one hand, there are those who argue that the move will reduce tooth decay, particularly in young children, and contribute towards a healthier Wales.

“On the other, there is a strong lobby who argue that regardless of the benefits, we should be able to choose what is in the water we drink and how we look after our own health.

“I do not believe that it is the business of Government to create a ‘nanny state’.

“I believe that people should be able to choose the form of medication they receive.”