Well water testing free in Las Vegas

The state Environment Department will test water for private domestic well owners from Las Vegas, N.M., and surrounding rural areas in San Miguel County from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday

The free testing will be held at the city of Las Vegas’ Abe Montoya Recreation Center gym.

Tests will include analyses for sulfate, nitrate, iron, fluoride and electrical conductivity. Water quality experts will provide residents with test results and be available to answer questions.

To have well water tested, follow these steps: Collect a sample from the cold water tap of your kitchen sink. Collect at least one quart of water in a clean, covered, glass or plastic container, such as a canning jar or water bottle. Old samples can give inaccurate results. Collect the sample the same day it is to be tested.

Drinking water supplied by public systems will not be tested since those supplies are routinely analyzed pursuant to the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act.