In Widefield one of the wells, specifically Water Well C-36 reported a fluoride measurement of 2.8 milligrams per liter (MG/L), and Water Well W-4 came in with a 2.4 MG/L level during routine sampling on February 19, 2007.
The Maximum Contaminant Level for drinking water is 4.0 MG/L.
Water from these two wells is combined with water from several other wells, so the actual fluoride level going out to the public is ensured to be below 2.0 MG/1 MCL. The District routinely monitors their water for contaminants in accordance with Federal and State law, and releases an annual report to the public.
The District report stated:
“The District currently has no plans to treat for fluorides since the level is well below the Maximum Contaminant Level of 4.0 MG/L. Wells W-4 and C-36 are the last wells to start and the first to shut down. In this manner they will mix with our other wells which will ensure that the water our customers receive will not contain Fluoride levels above the 2.0 MG/L MCL. For more information, call Water Manager Ron Snoddy of Widetield Water and Sanitation District at (719) 391-5133. Some home water treatment units are also available to remove fluoride from drinking water. To learn more about available home water treatment units, you may call NSF International at 1-877-8-NSF-HELP.”
In addition, the Security Water District and City of Fountain Water Department presented their water quality reports for 2006. None of the water departments samples exceeded levels in violation of FDA regulations.