
  • Fluoride: The Hidden Poison in the National Organic Standards

    [Editors Note: This article raises serious health questions about the continued use of fluoride in food production, specifically organic farming systems, and in public water supplies. It leads to a larger discussion of allowable inert or secret product ingredients and permitted synthetic materials in organic agriculture under the national organic standards, adopted in December 2000. […]

  • Drinking problem: The case against water fluoridation

    Here at MU, our water is fluoridated. Alarming as it should be, this fact is unsurprising when we consider that in the U.S., nearly 75 percent of Americans have access to fluoridated water supplies. Indeed, the acceptance of water fluoridation is rampant and apparently salubrious, supported by more than 100 national and international health groups […]

  • Fluoridation is nothing to Celebrate

    Sixty-eight years ago while experimental trials were still underway, public water supplies were dosed with fluoride chemicals promising to safely reduce tooth decay, put dentists out of business and save millions of dollars on dental care. Current science tells us none of that came to pass; but fluoridation is still celebrated as if it did, […]

  • Windsor. Jarvis: ‘Even with these doubts, you keep giving this stuff to people?’

    Why would a city pay to force its residents to ingest nocuous industrial waste for no reason? That’s what the reams of documents on fluoridating water, the conflicting claims and counter-claims threatening to bury city council, boil down to. I was horrified to find out where the fluoride added to our drinking water comes from: […]

  • Fluoride Wars come to St. Croix Falls

    The Fluoride Wars have finally come to St. Croix Falls and nowhere have the opinions been more decisive, or the residents more steadfast. The council chambers was growing crowded as between 20-30 interested parties were there to voice their opinions on the city’s fluoridation of the water supply. Originally, the fluoride was introduced in 1945 […]

  • Fighting to free family from fluoride

    It’s been about six years since anti-fluoride campaigner Rachel Keedwell took steps to remove the chemical she regards as a poison from her drinking water. As well as having an 1100 litre rain-water tank installed she is also promoting the visit of a leading expert on fluoridation to Palmerston North. Professor Paul Connett the coauthor […]

  • 10 Facts About Fluoride

    Watch FAN’s New Video discussing these facts Download the Flyer! Fact #1: Most Developed Countries Do Not Fluoridate Their Water In the United States, health authorities call fluoridation “one of the top 10 public health achievements of the 20th century.” Few other countries share this view. In fact, more people drink artificially fluoridated water in […]

  • Editorial by the Portland Mercury for fluoridation

    The Sanest Arguments Against Fluoride…And Why They’re Still Wrong IF FLUORIDE FAILS at the ballot box later this month—an incredibly distinct possibility, and something of a tragedy for Portland—it won’t be because of the kooks and the conspiracy theorists who’ve spent decades stoking panic about a safe, tested, and effective health measure. That ugly strain […]

  • Fluoride Could be Contributing to Early Puberty, Studies Show

    The medical and public health community is shocked by the news that young American girls are reaching puberty at ages as young as 7 years (1). However, according to Paul Connett, PhD, Director of the Fluoride Action Network, “If fluoride’s dangers had not been taken off the scientific radar screen by the US Public Health […]

  • Water, Water Everywhere — Is It Safe to Drink?

    I still remember my first exposure to the nutty idea. I was reading an anthology of humorist P.J. O’Rourke’s early work from his National Lampoon days. There is was, dripping with satire, a flow chart about how fluoridated water was turning America’s kids into communists. I laughed out loud. I’m sure I was not alone. The thought […]