
  • Pro-fluoride letter writer a registered lobbyist

    Dr. Gerry Uswak speaks for a powerful lobby extravagantly funded by our tax dollars to promote toxic fluoride in our tap water. Rather than address directly the most recent scientific literature detailing the assaults on public health from fluoridated tap water, Dr. Uswak simply rhymes off a list of authorities caught in a time warp. […]

  • NRC Delivers Wake Up Call on Fluoride

    A National Research Council (NRC) report on fluoride toxicity released today gives powerful evidence that many Americans are being over-dosed with harmful levels of fluoride. A wide range of health problems are cited in the report, with bones and teeth being the foremost, but not sole, targets of concern. The current “maximum contaminant level” for fluoride, 4 parts per […]

  • Groups challenge EPA’s approval of Dow’s Sulfuryl fluoride: EPA allows 5 times higher levels for Infants than Adults

    On March 22, 2004, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) formally challenged US EPA’s approval of Sulfuryl fluoride for use as a fumigant on a wide variety of foods. EPA identified fluoride as the major toxicological endpoint of concern for exposure to Sulfuryl fluoride. In its Risk Assessment, which served as the basis for approval, EPA […]

  • Des Moines: Troubled Water?

    Gargle and spit. That’s what you do with fluoride. You scrub your teeth with it, your tongue and your gums, then, you rinse and spit. “Do not ingest,” it says on the label. And Mom said so, too. But what about a little? Just 0.7 parts per million of fluoride in your drinking water is […]

  • Quotes from professionals on fluoridation – 2007

    The following quotes come from professionals who signed the Statement Calling for an End to Water Fluoridation. On August 9, 2007, the Fluoride Action Network released a statement calling for an end to fluoridation signed by over 600 professionals. Concurrent with its release, FAN made available the following quotes from some of the signers. PROFESSIONALS’ […]

  • Fluoride – Alzheimers Disease and Copper Pipes

    The fluoride debate is boiling in Sonoma County. Those drinking its water should know about some startling fluoride revelations. Recent research has connected “hidden” dots linking fluoride with the most dread of all diseases – Alzheimer’s (AD). But it may not be fluoride directly, but fluoride’s effects on your copper pipes. Copper in your body […]

  • Fluoride: Interview with Thomas Sheridan

    There are times when the official attitude to fluoride seems like a textbook case of psychopathology in action. So says author Thomas Sheridan, who has made a study of institutional psychopaths. Thomas Sheridan worked on Wall Street as a communications and design consultant from 1990 to 1998. The Dubliner was struck by “the lack of […]

  • Fluoride-free town calls for rethink on mandatory water fluoridation

    A West Cork town has been designated Ireland’s first fluoride-free town, fuelling talk that the initiative could spread nationwide. The designation was conferred on Bantry over the weekend after six businesses installed filtration systems they say will give their customers the choice to consume food and drinks prepared with fluoride-free water. Owen Boyden, the co-ordinator […]

  • Evaluation of in vitro anti-genotoxic potential of melatonin against arsenic and fluoride in human blood cultures

  • Dangers of fluoride are significant

    A proposal by Maggie Hart Stebbins, a county commissioner and member of the Bernalillo County Water Board, to resume fluoridation of our municipal drinking water is scheduled for a final vote at a Water Utility meeting Wednesday. The reasoning behind the proposal is to safeguard the teeth of low-income children who have little or no […]