
  • Part 1. FAN’s list of fluoride studies (by subject) submitted to SCHER. April 2009.

    PART 1. List of fluoride studies by SUBJECT, published since 2004, and submitted to SCHER. The following is part 1 of the submission from the Fluoride Action Network to the European Commissions’ Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) in response to their solicitation for a “Call for Information” for scientific papers, reports, etc., […]

  • Part 2. FAN’s list of fluoride studies (by author) submitted to SCHER. April 2009.

    PART 2. List of fluoride studies by AUTHOR, published since 2004, and submitted to SCHER. The following is part 2 of the submission from the Fluoride Action Network to the European Commissions’ Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) in response to their solicitation for a “Call for Information” for scientific papers, reports, etc., […]

  • NRC’s Findings

    The National Research Council’s report concluded that EPA’s safe drinking water standard (4 ppm) for fluoride is unsafe and “should be lowered.” The NRC based this conclusion on its finding that EPA’s 4 ppm standard places a person at increased risk for both tooth damage (severe dental fluorosis) and bone damage (bone fracture). While most of the press coverage of the NRC report focused […]

  • NRC Delivers Wake Up Call on Fluoride

    WASHINGTON D.C. – A National Research Council (NRC) report on fluoride toxicity released today gives powerful evidence that many Americans are being over-dosed with harmful levels of fluoride. A wide range of health problems are cited in the report, with bones and teeth being the foremost, but not sole, targets of concern. The current “maximum contaminant level” for fluoride, […]

  • Another look at Brunelle & Carlos

    Recently we received a letter commenting on our analysis of the Brunelle & Carlos (1990) paper. Before we print the letter and Michael’s response, a little background. The Brunelle & Carlos paper was published in the Journal of Dental Research, Volume 69, pages 723-727, in 1990. The paper was the official analysis of the data […]

  • Fluoridation Forum Report Flunks Test

    Finally the Fluoridation Forum report is out (September 10, 2002) and can be found at As expected they flunked my test. I had presented to the Forum (in person) my “50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation” and argued that the way they could demonstrate to me and the Irish people that they were going to […]

  • Fluoride & the Pineal Gland: Study Published in Caries Research

    The wheels of science grind very slowly. Finally, the first half of the work that was the subject of Jennifer Luke’s Ph.D. thesis; presentation in Bellingham, Washington (ISFR conference) in 1998 and a videotaped interview I had with her, has been published in Caries Research. In my view this work is of enormous importance and […]

  • Melatonin & Breast Cancer

    I have just received a fascinating piece of snail mail from June Allen, who with her husband Dr. Phillip Allen,  runs a group called Enviro-Health Concerns. She has pulled out some quotes which point to a possible connection between melatonin levels and breast cancer, and ties this back to the important work of Dr. Jennifer […]

  • Sodium Fluoride Allowed in New Organic Standards

    Despite the fact that Sodium Fluoride “is a persistent, non-degradable poison that moves through the environment and accumulates in the soil and organisms” (Waste Not #461) the USDA is allowing for its use in the new National Organic Standards which are nearing completion. We need to act now to ensure that organic food production does not contribute […]

  • FAN in the News: 2007 – 2010

    FAN in the News: 2001-2006 2011-2012 2010: Connett Raising Fluoride Awareness – Daily Courier Observer (New York) – December 18, 2010 The professor emeritus of chemistry at St. Lawrence University recently published a book, “The Case against Fluoride,” and has spent most of this fall traveling around the globe promoting it… Mr. Connett is the head […]