
  • Calcifies Your Arterial Walls, But 67% of Americans Consume It Daily

    See original article, read and/or submit comments, and see free video interview Those who bother to delve into the science behind water fluoridation will inevitably come to see that there’s an abysmal lack of evidence supporting this routine practice, and an awful lot of evidence stacked against it. Water fluoridation began in 1945. Today, the […]

  • Is fluoride good for us?

    Most of us put our trust in fluoride to help prevent tooth decay. It is a common ingredient in toothpaste and mouthwashes, and several countries, including large parts of the UK, add fluoride to the water supply. Just last month, a study was published which reported that adding fluoride to table salt had reduced dental […]

  • Part 1: Ten Key Papers that Challenge the Pro-Fluoridation Mantra

    Dear Supporter: Ten Key Papers that Challenge the Pro-Fluoridation Mantra Introduction  Promoters of fluoridation repeat ad nauseam the mantra that fluoridation is “safe”, “effective” and “cost effective” (how many times have unsuspecting legislators been told that for every $1 spent we save $38?). Instead of backing up these claims with any solid scientific evidence, they […]

  • Part 2: Ten Key Papers that Challenge the Pro-fluoridation Mantra

    Dear Supporter, Today we will bring to you part 2 of the Ten Key Papers that Challenge the Pro-fluoridation Mantra (see below). But first here are the details of yesterday’s fundraising, which has reached a crucial stage for which your help is needed. We are very close to reaching one mini-goal and tantalizinglyclose to reaching […]

  • Clean-water campaigner Erin Brockovich urges people to question water fluoridation while visiting Australia

    Erin Brockovich, the internationally renowned clean-water campaigner who is visiting Australia to talk about water contamination, has urged her Facebook followers to question water fluoridation. In several posts, the most recent of which was added on Thursday morning, Ms Brockovich posted anti-fluoride material and urged her followers to read research claiming that fluoride is dangerous. […]

  • Transcript of Jim Mora & Rob Beaglehole with comments by Fluoride Free New Zealand

    Radio New Zealand – Jim Mora Show 27th February 2015 Transcript of Jim Mora and Rob Beaglehole. Fluoride Free NZ comments in red. Jim: Fluoride could cause depression and weight gain, that’s the headline and the same sort of headline in more than one English paper, not just the Daily Mail. ‘Fluoride added to local water supplies […]

  • Statement by Erin Brockovich

    “After a great deal of research and personal thought, I am opposed to the continued policy and practice of drinking water fluoridation; I believe this harmful practice must be ended immediately. Public drinking water is a basic human right; and its systematic use as a dispensary of a substance for medical purposes is deplorable. Shocking […]

  • Sonoma County: Find out if fluoridation is for you, May 19

    On May 19, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors might vote to fluoridate our water supply and it will not be about tooth decay but truth decay. Modern science shows that fluoridation is both ineffective and toxic with strong links to lowered child IQ, ADHD, hypothyroidism, skeletal fluorosis often misdiagnosed as osteoarthritis with increased hip […]

  • to Donate $25,000 for Fluoride Awareness Week

    “Clean” water may not be as clean as some think. Studies have shown that fluoride toxicity – which affects many tissues in the body besides the teeth — can lead to a variety of health problems and potentially affect people’s bones, brain, thyroid, pineal gland, and even blood sugar levels. has designated the week […]

  • Making Sense of Medicine: The great fluoride debate

    One might paraphrase Hamlet and say, “To fluoridate or not to fluoridate, that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of chemical poisons, or to take arms against a sea of bad science, and, by opposing, end them?” Fluoride pollution is one of the most misunderstood controversies […]