
  • Melatonin ameliorates fluoride induced neurotoxicity in young rats: an in vivo evidence

  • Opinion: The case against fluoride

    Nearly two-thirds of Americans — 194 million people — get fluoridated water from the tap. I’ve been one of them, drinking fluoridated Rutland City water for 30 years with only mild concern. I thought it was perfectly safe. I thought I didn’t really need it because of regular brushing and flossing, but I accepted it […]

  • Town of St. Paul: Fluoridation flounders

    On the surface, it seems like a simple decision to make. Why add fluoride to drinking water supplies? It is a toxic chemical, dangerous to work with, costly to add, and widely available elsewhere, in toothpaste, mouthwashes and food and drink prepared with fluoridated water. Add in the concerns of fluoride opponents that this addition […]

  • Public Health Service Recommendation for Fluoride Concentration in Drinking Water for Prevention of Dental Caries

    Note from FAN: The Department of Health & Human Services released this same information on April 27, 2015, in Public Health Reports as noted in their press release. Summary Through this final recommendation, the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) updates and replaces its 1962 Drinking Water Standards related to community water fluoridation—the controlled addition of […]

  • Scientific Review Shows Fluoridation May Not Prevent Cavities

    After decades of toxic fluoride being added to public water supplies without the public’s consent, we now have significant validation that this practice needs to be stopped. The Cochrane Collaboration has released a comprehensive review with points that are nearly impossible to dispute. Fluoride doesn’t work to prevent cavities and it’s proven to cause harm […]

  • Another King family member speaks out as Fluoridegate scandal builds in Atlanta

    Ellijay, GA – Swirling questions about conflicts of interest and improper influence grew rapidly today as Freedom of Information Act documents showed that since the 1970s, dental health professionals alone in the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have controlled the agency’s stance supporting water fluoridation. A response to a request for the names and job […]

  • References: Water Fluoridation and Environmental Justice

    Water Fluoridation and Environmental Justice Report by Fluoride Action Network Submitted, September 25, 2015 To: Environmental Justice Interagency Working Committee As the the pdf online document for this report was user unfriendly, the following are the live links for the references. ____________________________________________________ Ainsworth NJ. 1933. Mottled teeth. Brit. Dent. J., 55: 233-25- and 274-276. Albert […]

  • The impact of prenatal fluoride exposure on pubertal onset of children in Mexico City

  • Radioactive sludge found in Oak Ridge sewers

    Found near factory similar in function to former Huntington uranium/nickel processing facility Radiation migrated into the Oak Ridge, Tennessee, sewers following uranium enrichment and demolition activities at various sites in that city from where the former Huntington Pilot Plant (HPP) received materials for processing and recycling.  The Oak Ridge discovery came in 2014 after following […]

  • FAN in the News: 2002 – 2010

    The following are archival news reports that have cited the Fluoride Action Network. Click here for news articles from 2011-present. 2010: Connett Raising Fluoride Awareness – Daily Courier Observer (New York) – December 18, 2010 The professor emeritus of chemistry at St. Lawrence University recently published a book, “The Case against Fluoride,” and has spent […]