
  • Interview with Health Coach Amanda on fluoride to be aired August 28 and 29

    Health Coach Amanda was interviewed by Amy Lutz who is a news anchor with Fox 43 News in York, PA. The subject discussed was fluoride. Are you aware that the number one prescription sold is Synthroid!  90% of those with thyroid issues have an autoimmune condition known as Hashimoto’s.   Many with thyroid issues are not […]

  • For Optimal Health, Mind Your Oral Microbiome and Avoid Fluoride, Harsh Mouth Rinses and Amalgam Fillings

    Story at-a-glance Thousands of studies have linked oral disease to systemic disease, including Alzheimer’s, stroke, heart disease and diabetes To optimize your oral microbiome, stop using antibacterial mouth rinses. Also avoid fluoride-containing toothpaste and fluoridated water Mercury is another dental-related substance that can wreak havoc with your health. About 50 percent of the amalgam filling […]

  • Fluoride Exposure In Utero Linked To Lower IQ In Kids, Study Says

    Year after year, more and more people are becoming aware of the harmful effects fluoride can have on the human body. Fluoride has been a known neurotoxin for a long time, but the government claims it benefits our teeth. In reality, it’s not even known to actually prevent the buildup of harmful oral bacteria; however, it is known to […]

  • Fluoride — A Little Bit at the Wrong Time Is Devastating

    CLICK HERE TO Read ORIGINAL ARTICLE Story at-a-glance Higher exposure to fluoride while in utero is associated with lower scores on tests of cognitive function in childhood Women with higher levels of fluoride in their urine during pregnancy were more likely to have children with lower intelligence Each 0.5 milligram per liter increase in pregnant […]

  • Why you should avoid the high fluoride water of Naivasha

    Brown teeth due to fluorosis. [Photo/] People from Naivasha are sometimes identified by the colour of their teeth. This arises from the high levels of fluoride in the water consumed by residents causing teeth to turn brown. However,  the water around Naivasha has been found to contain as high as 12mg/l which is 25 times […]

  • Edgartown. Letter: Vote for clean water

    To the Editor: That’s what the residents of Edgartown get when they turn on a faucet. Cool, clean water without chemical additives. The Edgartown health department wants to add this hazardous byproduct of the phosphate fertilizer industry. That byproduct is fluoride. Fluoridating chemicals are largely obtained from the “wet scrubbing” of the inside of smokestacks […]

  • Dr. Bill Osmunson on Fluoride Dr. Bill Osmunson is an avid supporter of fluoride opposition in the US. He’s particularly suited to discuss the health dangers of fluoride, not just because he’s been a full-time dentist for over three decades, but also because he has a Masters in Public Health (MPH). He’s also a missionary kid. His parents were missionaries […]

  • The Lawsuit That Could End Water Fluoridation in the US

    Story at-a-glance Fluoride Action Network (FAN) is among a coalition of environmental, medical and health groups suing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ban artificial water fluoridation FAN has recently won two major legal victories, defeating efforts by the EPA to dismiss the case and limit the evidence that can be considered Fluoride is […]

  • Thyroid Deficiency Linked to Iodine Deficiency and Fluoridated Water

    Story at-a-glance People who have moderate-to-severe iodine deficiencies and higher fluoride levels may be at an increased risk for underactive thyroid gland activity Pregnant women living in communities with fluoridated drinking water have two times the amount of fluoride in their urine as women living in nonfluoridated communities Research has previously revealed that women with […]

  • A common sense guide to fluoride, the great dental conspiracy magnet

    ‘Fluoride is so toxic it is considered hazardous waste by the US Environmental Protection Authority.’ ‘Fluoride calcifies the brain.’ ‘Fluoride was used by Hitler in concentration camps to sedate prisoners.’ ‘Fluoride has been added to the drinking water by the Illuminati as part of a government-backed conspiracy to control our minds.’ These are just some […]