
  • New study finds cancer rate higher in C8-exposed areas

    PARKERSBURG – A recently released study authored by Dr. James Dahlgren, a nationally known toxicologist retained by plaintiffs in a pending Wood County Circuit Court C8 class action lawsuit filed against DuPont Washington Works, states “the overall cancer prevalence rate is higher in the population exposed to C8 when compared to the general population.” Perfluorooctanonic […]

  • Fluoride: The Hidden Poison in the National Organic Standards

    [Editors Note: This article raises serious health questions about the continued use of fluoride in food production, specifically organic farming systems, and in public water supplies. It leads to a larger discussion of allowable inert or secret product ingredients and permitted synthetic materials in organic agriculture under the national organic standards, adopted in December 2000. […]

  • Cryolite. May 1993. Fluorine compounds. Pesticide Tolerance and Animal Feed Additive Regulation. Final Rule. Federal Register.

    Federal Register ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 40 CFR Parts 180 and 186 [PP 9F3739 and FAP 1H5604/R1190; FRL-4579-1] RIN 2070-AB78 Pesticide Tolerance and Animal Feed Additive Regulation for Fluoride Compounds AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Final rule. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 40 CFR Parts 180 and 186 [PP 9F3739 and FAP 1H5604/R1190; FRL-4579-1] RIN 2070-AB78 Pesticide […]

  • Alabama Issues 2012 Fish Consumption Advisories

    Concern about protecting the public from possible exposure to mercury from eating fish led to the issuance of several new fish consumption advisories for bodies of water in Alabama. The quality of water, based upon the levels of contaminants in fish from the waters in Alabama, generally continues improvements made in recent years. The Alabama […]

  • Meanwhile, an Update From the Great Big Fluoride Debate

    It’s been an hour and a half after the massively packed city hall hearing on water fluoridation got started, and we’re still barely done with the scheduled part of the hearing—the high-powered and much-decorated parade of panelists and experts personally invited by city officials to testify on the health and economic benefits of fluoride. Not […]

  • Zimbabwe: Villagers Sue Diamond Firms for Pollution

    THE Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association (Zela) and villagers living along Save River are seeking a court order to bar three diamond mining companies in Marange district from polluting water sources. Zela is a common law trust established to promote environmental justice in the country. In a High Court application last week, Zela and the villagers […]

  • Wichita: 3 issues arise as fluoride vote nears

    As Wichita moves toward a vote Tuesday on whether to fluoridate its drinking water, three issues continue to arise in the public debate: whether commercial-grade fluoride is different than naturally occurring fluoride, whether the fluoride to be added to the water is pharmaceutical grade and whether the warning labels on toothpaste should be read as […]

  • 10 Facts About Fluoride

    Fact #1: 97% of western Europe has chosen fluoride-free water This includes: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Scotland, Sweden, and Switzerland. (While some European countries add fluoride to salt, the majority do not.) Thus, rather than mandating fluoride treatment for the whole population, western Europe allows individuals the right […]

  • Letter: Let’s not dilute the issue of our water fluoridation

    An abridged version of an open letter and further correspondence to Dr Harry Comber, Director, National Cancer Registry Ireland. Cc: An Taoiseach Enda Kenny; Dr James Reilly, Minister for Health; Simon Coveney, Minister For Agriculture, Food and Fisheries; Phil Hogan, Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government; Dr Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer, HSE; Dr […]

  • Science Panel releases final C8 exposure reports, adds new disease to list

    PARKERSBURG – The litigants in the West Virginia and Ohio class action lawsuit filed the science panel’s final set of reports on Oct. 29 that conclusively link DuPont’s PFOA in drinking water to serious human diseases. The panel previously reported links with kidney cancer, thyroid disease, testicular cancer, ulcerative colitis and pregnancy-inducted hypertension, including preeclampsia. […]