
  • Public Health Service Recommendation for Fluoride Concentration in Drinking Water for Prevention of Dental Caries

    Note from FAN: The Department of Health & Human Services released this same information on April 27, 2015, in Public Health Reports as noted in their press release. Summary Through this final recommendation, the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) updates and replaces its 1962 Drinking Water Standards related to community water fluoridation—the controlled addition of […]

  • The toxicity of Sulfoxaflor

    Excerpts from: Registration Decision for the New Active Ingredient Sulfoxaflor Federal Register, Final Rule May 17, 2013 • A fluoridated pesticide made by Dow AgroSciences, CAS No. 946578-00-3 • Approved in May 2013, revoked September 10, 2015, by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals The database of guideline toxicity studies indicates that the nervous system […]

  • References: Water Fluoridation and Environmental Justice

    Water Fluoridation and Environmental Justice Report by Fluoride Action Network Submitted, September 25, 2015 To: Environmental Justice Interagency Working Committee As the the pdf online document for this report was user unfriendly, the following are the live links for the references. ____________________________________________________ Ainsworth NJ. 1933. Mottled teeth. Brit. Dent. J., 55: 233-25- and 274-276. Albert […]

  • Presentation by Joyce Donahue, PhD to the National Research Council Committee: August 12, 2003.

    Note: This was the first public meeting of the committee who would author the National Research Council of the National Academies 2006 report: Fluoride in Drinking Water A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards and also the only meeting open to the public. It was held in Washington DC. The following is the instruction to the […]

  • Is Your Tea Wrecking Your Health?

    If you believe that drinking tea is good for your health, you may be right. Tea, especially green tea, has been linked to a lower risk of cancer, stroke, heart failure, and diabetes. But tea can contain large amounts of fluoride and pesticides and be very bad for your health, so bad that it’s downright […]

  • ALERT: Fluoridation Resolution in Congress

    A resolution has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives that seeks to recognize artificial water fluoridation as a “vitally important public health initiative,” and to solidify congressional support of the practice for its 70th anniversary. House Resolution 416 is entitled “Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives recognizing community water fluoridation as one of […]

  • Pollutants up 2x in municipal water

    Concentrations of arsenic and fluoride have doubled in the Lerma-Chapala aquifer As if drought conditions in many parts of Mexico weren’t enough, the levels of pollutants found in tap water are reaching worrisome levels, according to the results of a study by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). The Geosciences Center (CGeo) at UNAM has […]

  • Rutland: Stamp of approval is meaningless

    Who in the scientific world would say that fluorosilicic acid is safe to drink when added to Rutland City’s excellent water supply? Does having the “NSF” mark on this chemical’s shipping label assure us that this toxic waste product is safe for human consumption when diluted according to fluoridation standards? At a Select Board meeting […]

  • FAN in the News: 2002 – 2010

    The following are archival news reports that have cited the Fluoride Action Network. Click here for news articles from 2011-present. 2010: Connett Raising Fluoride Awareness – Daily Courier Observer (New York) – December 18, 2010 The professor emeritus of chemistry at St. Lawrence University recently published a book, “The Case against Fluoride,” and has spent […]

  • Fluorides not tracked by TRI

    While Hydrogen fluoride and the fluorinated ozone-depleting gases dominate the releases for fluoride reported by the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) there are many other fluorinated compounds that are not tracked. The release of these substances into the environment is through their manufacture, use and disposal. When fluoride-containing substances are disposed of in waste incinerators (medical, […]