
  • FAN’s submissions/govt reports

    SULFURYL FLUORIDE: To U.S. EPA Office of Pesticides   DATE ABOUT SUBMITTED TO SUBMISSION July 30, 2012 Sulfuryl Fluoride Second Request for Comment on Proposed Order Granting Objections to Tolerances and Denying Request for a Stay US EPA Office of Pesticides Comments of Objectors Fluoride Action Network, Environmental Working Group, and Beyond Pesticides on the […]

  • Examining the water we drink: Concerns about C8 linger

    Concerns about polluted drinking water began to emerge for more than 12,000 Washington County residents when a manufacturing chemical called C8 was revealed in some area public water systems in January 2002. But local water systems had been secretly tested by officials at DuPont’s Washington, W.Va., Works plant, the source of the chemical, decades earlier. […]

  • Concerns Remain on Voluntary C-8 Phase Out

    Oakland, Calif. – The chemical industry’s agreement with the federal Food and Drug Administration to phase out toxic perfluorinated compounds used to grease-proof pizza boxes, microwave popcorn bags, fast food wrapping and other food packaging does not go far enough to protect public health. “Prior to this voluntary phase-out, these manufacturers have polluted the planet […]

  • Poisoned Horses: Fluoride debate continues

    Dear Editor, I am Cathy Justus from Pagosa Springs, Colorado.  I have the sad distinction of owning the first horses to ever be diagnosed with “chronic fluoride poisoning” from artificially fluoridated municipal water.  I have this distinction not because it hasn’t been happening for years all over this world, but because vets, like doctors and […]

  • The Battle over Portland’s Water

    Rick North is the former CEO of the Oregon American Cancer Society (1994-99) and former Project Director of Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility’s Campaign for Safe Food (2003-2011). He retired in February 2011 to become a volunteer confronting undue corporate influence in elections and the government. Author concludes that there’s no consensus that fluoridation is […]

  • Portland City Council Schedules September 12 Vote on Fluoridating the Water

    Comedian George Carlin once joked that everybody complains about their local tap water, and nobody brags about it. Not so in Portland. “Portlanders pride themselves on having some of the best drinking water in the world,” said Kim Kaminski, executive director of Oregonians for Safe Drinking Water, a Portland-based nonprofit that opposes adding fluoride to […]

  • FAN Submissions & Reports

    The following are submissions written by members of FAN’s staff.  Nearly all of the submissions on Sulfuryl Fluoride were written in conjunction with Perry E. Wallace, Counsel for Objectors (FAN, Environmental Working Group and Beyond Pesticides). See also, FAN Press Releases Note: The TSCA law suit submissions are at DATE ABOUT TITLE 2022 June 3. […]

  • DuPont’s Teflon Dilemma

    Since the early 1900s, the Tennant family had raised cattle over rolling hills in the far western reaches of West Virginia, near the Ohio River. But in the late 1980s, Wilbur Earl Tennant’s herd began to die off-280 Hereford cows in all. The Tennants suspected it had something to do with the black, odorous water […]

  • INTERNAL WARNINGS: Industry memos show DUPONT knew for decades that a chemical used to make Teflon is polluting workers and neighbors

    LITTLE HOCKING, Ohio — Kenny Taggart always volunteered for blood drives at the DuPont plant across the Ohio River, where he spent most of his adult life mixing chemicals used to make Teflon anti-stick coatings. When Taggart stopped by the plant’s medical office in the early 1980s to offer another pint, the nurse shook her […]

  • Examining the water we drink: Concerns about C8 linger

    Concerns about polluted drinking water began to emerge for more than 12,000 Washington County residents when a manufacturing chemical called C8 was revealed in some area public water systems in January 2002. But local water systems had been secretly tested by officials at DuPont’s Washington, W.Va., Works plant, the source of the chemical, decades earlier. […]