
  • ADA Untroubled By Yet Another Study Pointing To Fluoride’s Negative Health Impacts

    For decades, many groups have fought against the inclusion of fluoride in publicly supplied water, arguing that the risks of mass fluoride consumption outweigh the purported benefits. Now, a new study published in Environmental Health Perspectives has added to the scientific literature that suggests that fluoride negatively impacts human intelligence, especially in children and infants. […]

  • Calgary: Science on fluoride still not settled

    Edmonton has fluoride in its drinking water. Calgary does not. Take a wild guess which of the two cities’ children have more cavities? If you said Calgary, you’d be wrong! Chew on that for a while. Despite continuing to have fluoride in their water, kids in Edmonton have more tooth decay than Calgary kids — […]

  • Calgary. Opinion: Fluoridation should be city council’s top priority

    The following is a rebuttal to a column by Licia Corbella, “The science is not settled on water fluoridation,” which appeared in the Herald on Oct. 12. The original piece appears below this response. As the newly elected Calgary city councillors take their seats, an important public health issue awaits. Children and other residents are […]

  • New Study Makes Confusing Case for Drinking Unfiltered Tap Water

    Depending on where you live, you may want to toss out that Brita filter and move on with your life. A new study found that Americans who don’t drink tap water, which is typically fluoridated, are more likely to suffer from tooth decay. But proceed with caution, because the study also confirmed a common fear for […]

  • Why We Fight Fluoridation

    **Annual Teleconference: Please join members of the Fluoride Action Network team this Saturday, December 9, at 5pm (eastern time) for a year-in-review of the fluoride issue, a fluoride Q&A session for supporters, and an opportunity to interact with the amazing people that make up this movement. REGISTER NOW Last year, we asked this question of our FAN […]

  • Tea-drinkers risk fluoride-damaged bones and more, studies shows

    New York – January 8, 2018  — Some teas contain more fluoride than EPA allows in public water supplies, which can do skeletal damage, according to research published in Environmental Pollution (Das, et al. 12/2017), reports the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. (NYSCOF) It’s undisputed that excessive fluoride ingestion can cause many […]

  • Clinical Trial for Fluoride Supplementation to Pregnant Women

    This is online as of March 8, 2018 According to the website at, a study titled Effect of Supplementation of Fluoride on Maternal Periodontal Health, Preterm Delivery, and Perinatal Well-Being was proposed to take place at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, with a start date of October 2015. Even though the website states […]

  • TSCA: Another IQ Study Supports our Law Suit Against EPA

    The New York Times Science Staff on Fluoridation “… I understand that you disagree, but I think it’s fair to say that most members of the science staff of The New York Times consider this debate to have been decided – in fluoride’s favor – about 50 years ago.” Donald McNeil Jr., Science Correspondent, New […]

  • In search of safe replacements for harmful chemicals used in cookware, carpets, clothing, cosmetics and more

    After ditching two notoriously toxic compounds, manufacturers subbed in other versions of their chemical class. But are they any better? When Donald Taves discovered two kinds of fluoride in his blood in the late 1960s, he immediately knew something was wrong. Everyone assumed that blood contained just one type of fluoride, a naturally occurring form […]

  • Toxic water fears in Pakistan region infamous for deformities

    Assadullah (Pakistan), May 11 (AFP) Basharat Ali was 15 when his legs began to falter, a condition doctors have blamed on polluted water in a Pakistani region infamous for the deformities that afflict many of its people. Too weak to carry his own schoolbag, he was taken to hospital, where doctors said water laden with […]