
  • Tests heighten worries about toxins in water in Paulsboro-West Deptford

    A chemical company operating in West Deptford said it has begun testing public water supplies for PFCs, a potentially carcinogenic class of chemicals that has been previously detected there, in an effort to find the source of the contamination. The announcement by Solvay Solexis came days after officials in nearby Paulsboro said they had found […]

  • Fipronil: State finds dangerous chemicals being applied illegally

    Molecular structure of Fipronil: INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – Dangerous chemicals are being found inside Indiana restaurants, nursing homes, hotels and health clinics. They may even be inside your home. The substances were put there purposely to control pests. But, I-Team 8 discovered the residue they leave behind could be harming your health. I-Team 8 dug through […]

  • The Basics of Regulatory Toxicology: Protecting the Public from Harmful substances

    Dear Supporter: Before we get to Paul’s essay on Toxicology a quick update on our fundraiser. Yesterday we raised $600 from 15 donors bringing our current total to $32,575 from 239 donors. We are expecting a little spurt today as another generous supporter has promised to double today’s donations up to a total $1000. So this […]

  • Quotes from professionals on fluoridation – 2007

    The following quotes come from professionals who signed the Statement Calling for an End to Water Fluoridation. On August 9, 2007, the Fluoride Action Network released a statement calling for an end to fluoridation signed by over 600 professionals. Concurrent with its release, FAN made available the following quotes from some of the signers. PROFESSIONALS’ […]

  • Fluoride Science is Tobacco Science

    Dear Supporter, We have decided to run a bulletin again that we used last year because it proved to be very popular and its content remains as important and urgent today as it was last year. We have only made some small additions.  Before we get to it, here is an update on the Fluoride […]

  • Greenpeace to Adidas, other brands: ‘Detoxify’ your clothes

    Members of Greenpeace on Saturday staged a protest in front of, and inside, the Adidas Store branch at the Gateway Mall in Cubao, Quezon City, calling on the sportswear giant to “detoxify” the clothes they sell. Since 2011, Greenpeace has been telling popular clothing brands to eliminate the use of chemicals that pose a threat […]

  • Age-specific fluoride exposure in drinking water and osteosarcoma (United States).

    Funders who supported this work: NIDCR NIH, HHS (1) References  Articles referenced by this article (43) Link MP, Eilber F (1997) Osteosarcoma. In: Pizzo PA, Poplack DG (eds) Principles and practice of oediatric oncology, 3rd edn. Lippincott-Raven Co., Philadelphia, pp 889–920 Bone cancers. Dorfman HD, Czerniak B. Cancer, (1 Suppl):203-210 1995. MED: 8000997 Incidence and […]

  • Extended follow-up of cancer incidence in fluoride-exposed workers

    Workers at the cryolite mill in Copenhagen, Denmark, are unique because of their exposure to high levels of fluoride dust and their virtual lack of exposure to other occupational toxicants or carcinogens (1,2). We previously reported the cancer morbidity from 1943 through 1987 for 422 male cryolite workers employed for more than 6 months at […]

  • Cytogenetic effects of gaseous fluorides on grain crops

    Introduction The interest in environmental mutagenesis has strengthened considerably following understanding of the broad overlap between mutagens and carcinogens. Also alterations in environmental mutagenicity lead to increases in the mutability of living organisms. Little however is known concerning mutagenic effects of gaseous fluoride, in particular fluorine containing emissions from industrial plants. Previous studies have shown […]

  • Micronucleus and sister chromatid exchange frequency in endemic fluorosis

    Introduction Although widespread in occurrence, fluorine (as fluoride ion, F-) does not have any known physiological requirement. It is generally accepted, however, that long term over-intake of fluoride may cause skeletal as well as dental fluorosis. Many studies on other toxic effects of fluoride have been made, including whether it alters human genetic material and […]