
  • Clinical features of early stages of occupational fluorosis under the combined and joint effect of production factors

    Working conditions in the mining and processing of fluorite and in cryolite and aluminum production remain poor despite the introduction of protective measures. Every year, new cases of fluorosis are diagnosed, and in a number of regions of the country this disease is one of the foremost chronic occupational intoxications. The clinical picture of occupational […]

  • Doctors deserve to know the research behind the risks

    Given the gravity of the current situation regarding increasing cancer incidence and the prevalence of chronic disease in the Republic, I wish to respond in some detail to the letter of Dr Susan O’Reilly in IMT (February 14, 2014), in response to Dr Philip Michael’s letter dated January 24, 2014. Dr O’Reilly states that Dr […]

  • NH: Water contamination shuts down well at Pease

    Very little known about human health effects, state official says PORTSMOUTH — City officials shut down a well that serves Pease International Tradeport after tests found a contaminant in the water, according to state, city and Pease Development Authority officials. PDA Executive Director David Mullen said the well was shut down in “an abundance of […]

  • A new perspective on metals and other contaminants in fluoridation chemicals

    Background: Fluoride additives contain metal contaminants that must be diluted to meet drinking water regulations. However, each raw additive batch supplied to water facilities does not come labeled with concentrations per contaminant. This omission distorts exposure profiles and the risks associated with accidents and routine use. Objectives: This study provides an independent determination of the […]

  • Water contamination shuts down well at Pease

    PORTSMOUTH — City officials shut down a well that serves Pease International Tradeport after tests found a contaminant in the water, according to state, city and Pease Development Authority officials. PDA Executive Director David Mullen said the well was shut down in “an abundance of caution” after a test found perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) in […]

  • New Castle area: Chemical detection shuts public supply well

    State health and utility officials are puzzling over detections of toxic chemicals used to make nonstick, non-stain coatings in two Artesian Water supply wells in the New Castle area, findings that prompted a full shutdown of the water sources. One of the two perfluorinated chemicals involved was detected at up to nine times higher than […]

  • Fluoridation outlawed in Israel

    Just occasionally during the long sordid history of fluoridation an individual stands up against the bullying tactics of the arrogant promoters of fluoridation. This has just happened in Israel where the Minister of Health Yael German has ended fluoridation in Israel despite the vocal and vociferous attacks of fluoridation promoters which have been gleefully – and […]

  • Israel Outlaws Water Fluoridation

    The Jerusalem Post has reported [1] that Israel’s Minister of Health has not only ended mandatory fluoridation (as reported earlier) but has ended the practice altogether. Regulations allowing fluoridation in Israel were introduced in 1974, and made mandatory in 1998. New regulations, beginning August 26, will end fluoridation in Israel for 5.3 million residents, says […]

  • Israel Bans Water Fluoridation

    Israeli authorities last week unveiled a nationwide ban on the controversial practice of adding the chemical fluoride, labeled a “neurotoxin” by a top medical journal this year, to public water supplies as a medical treatment. The decision by the Health Ministry to ban what critics call a dangerous, involuntary mass-medication scheme drew applause from many […]

  • WHY Cotati voted NO to Fluoride in our Water

    As Cotati’s Mayor last year, I chaired the meeting in which our City Council assessed the question of fluoridation of our City’s water supply. After presentations from all sides, and much thoughtful discussion, we unanimously voted against fluoridation. This decision was the result of a number of factors, but in the end, it was evident […]