
  • Why EPA’s Headquarters Professionals’ Union Opposes Fluoridation

    The following documents why our union, formerly National Federation of Federal Employees Local 2050 and since April 1998 Chapter 280 of the National Treasury Employees Union, took the stand it did opposing fluoridation of drinking water supplies. Our union is comprised of and represents the approximately 1500 scientists, lawyers, engineers and other professional employees at EPA […]

  • A Kick in the Teeth for Scientific Debate

    Before 1950, fluoride was generally considered to be a toxic environmental pollutant, and fluoride levels of one part per million (ppm) or more were considered to be sufficient reason for a water supply in the USA to be rejected. However, fluoridation was introduced as a public health measure in the USA in the 1950s after […]

  • Trading tooth decay for cancer

    THOSE health bureaucrats who want to force fluoride on the water supplies of rural NSW should learn from their cousins north of the border. This year, well-meaning people have again tried, unsuccessfully, to force mandatory water fluoridation on Queensland. Now I am not a scientist but there seem to be five prongs to their offensive: […]

  • Adelaide: Tooth and claw fight on fluoride

    PAUL Connett’s critics in the dental business call him a zealot, as a shorthand putdown for being driven, single-minded and passionate in the anti-fluoridation cause. Yes, he is all of those things, though the term he prefers is evangelist. “Fluoridation is a live rail as far as ridicule is concerned,” he says. Put simply, he […]

  • Fluoride fixation

    What a miracle modern water systems are. With a gentle flick of a finger or twist of a wrist, cool, clear, life-giving water comes rushing out of the faucet without a moment’s delay. Oh, sure, a faint whiff of chlorine reminds us someone’s treating that water for impurities. But as we dutifully swallow our eight […]

  • The Absurdities of Water Fluoridation (Toronto does it)

    Toronto adds poisonous fluoride to your drinking water. It’s a toxic waste product and many health officials decry its use as causing bone cancer, mottled teeth and for being ineffective at reducing cavities when drunk. Water fluoridation is a peculiarly American phenomenon. It started at a time when Asbestos lined our pipes, lead was added […]

  • Fluoride: the debate goes on

    Consider this. If we as physicians were to prescribe to patients we know nothing about, a medically active, unproven drug at uncontrolled dosage and tell them to take as much as they want for the rest of their lives while not monitoring the side effects, how long would we be practising medicine before our licences […]

  • Okotoks: Fluoride use questioned

    Fluoride applied to the surface of the teeth is good, but drinking fluoride in water is bad, insists an Okotoks resident. Florence Christophers said she would like the Town of Okotoks to stop adding fluoride to the water and she is presenting a summary of studies conducted on the health effects of drinking fluoridated water […]

  • Letter: Water fluoridation poses health risks for doubtful benefit

    Adding fluoride to Nova Scotia’s drinking water began in the ’70s as the result of a provincial health Initiative for what we were told would prevent tooth decay. Fluoride an extremely toxic compound. The chemical used to fluoridate Nova Scotia’s water supply (including that of Sydney, Glace Bay, New Waterford and North Sydney) is collected […]

  • Fluoridation Forum report flunks test

    Dear All, Finally the Fluoridation Forum report is out (September 10, 2002) and can be found at As expected they flunked my test. I had presented to the Forum (in person) my “50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation” and argued that the way they could demonstrate to me and the Irish people that they were […]