
  • Fluoridation Forum. Defensive talk shop

    By the time this goes to print we may well have the long promised report from the so called Forum on Fluoridation. Or we may not, there have been several missed deadlines already. But it hardly matters. My prediction for the outcome of this most biased of talk shops is that the status quo will […]

  • Consumers’ Association of Penang: Stop fluoridation of M’sian, Sabah water supply

    The Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) is concerned that water fluoridation is to be re-introduced into Sabah’s public water supply next year as reported in the Bernama dated Dec 28, 2010. Water fluoridation was discontinued in 1989 by the then Sabah government which feared that inadequate supervision in the process of adding fluoride to the […]

  • Fluoridation: medication via the water supply

    To have better behaved citizens we could legislate putting Valium in the town water supply, or aspirin and cholesterol drugs to reduce heart attacks, and hormones to regulate birth control. Not a silly idea? Of course it is! It violates Nuremberg laws as well as basic individual freedom to choose. So why is it that […]

  • Fluoride advocates ‘scared’ – won’t defend policy in open public debate

    Health authorities are prepared to parrot other people’s studies to back fluoridation but are too scared to debate the issue, visiting American lobbyist Paul Connett says. Chemistry professor Dr Connett, who spoke to a Timaru audience last night about the perils of fluoridation after a talk in Methven at the weekend, said yesterday that health […]

  • Be rational, anti-fluoride campaigner urges

    A religious-type fervour continues to keep some people committed to putting fluoride in water supplies, American chemistry lecturer and anti-fluoride campaigner Paul Connett said in Timaru yesterday. He said there was rational scientific argument that fluoride did not achieve the results against tooth decay that dental associations and some governments said they did. “Firstly, the […]

  • Hamilton’s fluoride debate rages

    Fluoridation of the municipal water supply is either an oddball and unethical medical practice with close to zero benefits and significant health risks – or one of our greatest public health achievements. It all depends on who you believed at a Hamilton City Council workshop yesterday, where touring US professor Paul Connett presented the case […]

  • Unprofessional activity in South Africa

    Dear All, One of the emails waiting for me on my return from my trip to Australia and Japan was a press release issued jointly by the Dental Association of South Africa and the the South African Medical Association, calling on the public to support water fluoridation. It would appear that “professionals” in South Africa […]

  • Fluoride flaws

    The government is poised to reignite one of the most vexed medical issues of the past 50 years. Early next month, parliament will debate clauses of the water bill which will give indemnity against legal action to water companies that add fluoride to their supplies, paving the way for the extension of fluoridation schemes throughout […]

  • London Mayor calls for independent study of fluoride’s health impacts

    Greens welcomed the statement from London Mayor Ken Livingstone stressing the urgent need for an independent study of the full health impacts of adding fluoride to water in areas such as London. Following probing by Greens on the London Assembly, Livingstone said he would support GLA funding for such a study. He also backed a […]

  • Fluoride water ’causes cancer’

    Fluoride in tap water can cause bone cancer in boys, a disturbing new study indicates, although there is no evidence of a link for girls. New American research suggests that boys exposed to fluoride between the ages of five and 10 will suffer an increased rate of osteosarcoma – bone cancer – bet-ween the ages […]