
  • San Jose drinking water to receive fluoride, years behind other Bay Area cities

    SAN JOSE — San Francisco has had it since 1951, Oakland since 1976. Los Angeles and San Diego, along with Contra Costa, Marin and San Mateo counties, have it too. And starting Monday, large sections of San Jose — the nation’s biggest city without fluoride in its drinking water — finally will begin to receive the […]

  • Fluoride Science = Tobacco Science

    For today’s bulletin Chris Neurath, FAN’s Research Director, will explain why he joined the fluoride-free movement.  We first distributed this in a bulletin in 2013, in this re-issue Chris has included an update to include Boradbent’s IQ study from NZ.  The quote we have used for this bulletin Fluoride Science is Tobacco Science, comes from another Chris, […]

  • Special report: Rural villages in China hit by fluorine poisoning from coal-burning

    Government attempts to introduce cleaner stoves into rural homes have failed to stem a public heath disaster caused by the burning of poor quality coal. An exclusive report from Shaanxi province by Meng Si The locals of Haoping, a township in the south of Shaanxi province, are known for their yellow teeth. The condition is […]

  • “Impurifying our precious bodily fluids”

    In the 1964 movie Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, General Jack D. Ripper launches a nuclear strike against the Soviet Union to stop the Communist infiltration that he fears will “sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.” In the 1960s, moviegoers instantly recognized that Ripper’s […]

  • The Fear Of Bhangar: A Case Against Power Grid And High Voltage Transmission Line

    People of the villages Khamarait, Machhi Bhanga, Tona, Gazipur etc. of Polerhat 2 Panchayet in Bhangar Assembly Constituency are very agitated. According to them, they are facing desperate situation due to the Government decision to set-up a Power Grid (440/220 KV) in that area. The Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (a Govt. of India […]

  • The ExxonMobil near-disaster you probably haven’t heard of

    A 2015 explosion at the company’s refinery near Los Angeles came frighteningly close to releasing a lethal gas into a neighborhood; a ban may result It’s been nearly two years since Nadia Levine fielded the frantic calls — the first one from her husband, the next from a co-worker. Panicked, Levine dialed both her children’s […]

  • Fluoride Chemicals in Drinking Water; TSCA Section 21 Petition; Reasons for Agency Response

    Federal Register | PDF version Summary This document announces the availability of EPA’s response to a petition it received on November 23, 2016, under section 21 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The TSCA section 21 petition was received from the Fluoride Action Network, Food & Water Watch, Organic Consumers Association, the American Academy […]

  • Science and Alternative Facts: About fluoridation, false dilemmas and fake news

    Undeterred by mounting evidence proving the dangers of fluoride, power, prestige, and paychecks continue to motivate fluoridationists. Despite the fact that the prestigious international 2015 Cochrane panel, like the 2000 York panel, found the fluoridation literature to be of abysmally poor quality, at high risk of bias, and with no evidence of safety… Despite the […]

  • Could Your Toothpaste Cause Cancer? (Do This Instead)

    Just when you thought it was safe to brush your teeth, here comes a report telling you toothpaste could be cancerous! But, is there any rationality to that claim? Let’s dig a little deeper and find out what’s really lurking inside your tube of toothpaste. And, what you can do instead to avoid those seemingly […]

  • Fluoride has no place in our drinking water – Claire Viadro

    On Feb. 2, operational failures at OWASA increased fluoride levels to 8.4 times higher than normal. OWASA’s dangerous fiasco cost local businesses an estimated $3 million to $5 million. The substance added to OWASA water is fluorosilicic acid, a toxic corrosive. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) information on fluorosilicic acid recommends its use for “tanning […]