
  • Danger! Replace These Household Items Now

    Your home is your castle, and also your haven. But common household items may be turning your sanctuary into a hazard and increasing your risk for colds, viruses, and food poisoning as well as deadly diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and cancer. Below are five common, but possibly dangerous, items you should consider replacing … now. […]

  • How Trump’s EPA Just Threatened the Clean Drinking Water of 117 Million Americans

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for ensuring public water supplies within the United States are safe. And as one of his first executive orders, incoming president Trump promised “crystal clear, clean drinking water.” But the EPA just took an action which would negatively impact the drinking water of more than one-third of all […]

  • Jonesborough: Battle continues as town moves toward discontinuation

    Emotions ran high at a public debate regarding water fluoridation in Jonesborough on Thursday, July 6. About 20 citizens of Jonesborough and surrounding areas attended the hour-long meeting, which began at 6:30 p.m. at the Jonesborough Senior Center, to debate the decision to no longer add fluoride to the Jonesborough water supply. In February, the […]

  • The danger ingredient in Colgate Total: ‘Don’t use it every day’

    Enthusiastic tooth brushers are being warned to stay away from Colgate Total toothpaste, or at least to use it sparingly. The toothpaste is one of the few toiletries in New Zealand that still uses triclosan, an antibacterial that was once commonly found in soaps, toothpastes and body washes. That was until September last year, when […]

  • Small New Mexico communities struggle to deliver water free of uranium and other toxins

    SANTA CRUZ, N.M. (AP) — Eloy Jacquez lives in the house his parents built on Los Lujans Road in 1948. There was no water in Santa Cruz then. The family waited several more years before the first well was drilled just up the street, next to land used as an informal waste dump. Old cars […]

  • PFOA: US prosecutors seek records of unregulated chemical in river

    Federal prosecutors have demanded documents, research and monitoring data from a state agency as they investigate a Fortune 500 company’s release of a little-studied chemical into a river that supplies drinking water to hundreds of thousands of people, officials said Thursday. The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality received a subpoena last week from U.S. […]

  • Using Private Wells: A Drinking Water Safety Guide

    Nearly one in seven Americans get their drinking water from private wells. Federal and state governments set legal limits for contaminants in public water systems, but those laws don’t cover private wells. If you’re one of the 44 million people relying on a private well for drinking water, here’s what you should know and do […]

  • Prioritise groundwater

    Groundwater has been the lifeline for millions across the country. As much as 80% of rural and 50% of the urban population of India depend on groundwater for domestic and irrigation purposes. Karnataka is not an exception. As much as 99% of the state is covered by hard rock aquifer, except in coastal areas where […]

  • The exploitation of minerals of Sri Lanka

    An excerpt from a longer article: …The question that may be asked is what happens when all these resources are extracted out of the ground to be enjoyed by someone else? Is this not exploitation to benefit a select few in the short term? What happens to the human populations in these countries, after they […]

  • Opinion: District of Muskoka should have warnings in water bills

    A WARNING! FROM THE DISTRICT OF MUSKOKA TO RESIDENTS. Inserted with last month’s water bill, from the District of Muskoka, was a bright pink letter, warning residents of door-to-door solicitors selling water filters. This warning letter was not signed or dated, and goes on to reassure us that “District water is held to the highest […]