
  • Initial nonresponse and survey response mode biases in survey research.

    Funders who supported this work. National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (1) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, NIH National Center for Research Resources (1) Articles referenced by this article (10) The prevalence of dental fear and avoidance: expanded adult and recent adolescent surveys. Gatchel RJ. J Am Dent Assoc, (5):591-593 1989. MED: […]

  • The oral microbiome: Role of key organisms and complex networks in oral health and disease.

    7.2. Toothpaste The effects of toothpaste on the oral microbiota have been investigated more thoroughly than the effects of toothbrushes. In the same study as previously described,33 the researchers also compared the oral and toothbrush microbiotas of participants who used either traditional Chinese medicine toothpaste or antibacterial toothpaste. While both types of toothpaste effectively reduced […]

  • Fluoride concentrations in enamel and dentin of primary teeth after pre- and postnatal fluoride exposure.

    Funding NIDCR NIH HHS (1)   Fluoride uptake in hard tissues of fetal guinea pigs in response to various dose regimens. Bawden JW, Deaton TG, Koch GG, Crawford BP Arch Oral Biol, (11):929-933 1992 MED: 1466641 Review on fluoride, with special emphasis on calcium fluoride mechanisms in caries prevention. ten Cate JM Eur J Oral Sci, […]

  • Dose dependence of prenatal fluoride exposure associations with cognitive performance at school age in three prospective studies.

    Fluoride exposure from the Odense Child Cohort (OCC) While the addition of fluoride to drinking water is not legal in Denmark, elevated fluoride concentrations up to 1.5 mg/l naturally occur in groundwater in parts of the country,13 and some types of tea, especially black tea, constitute an additional source of exposure.14 In Odense municipality, the […]

  • European Community Establishes a Tolerance of 1 ppm for Fluoride Residue in Wine

    Excerpt from: Federal Register: July 6, 2000 (Volume 65, Number 130) 40 CFR Part 180; [OPP-301008; FRL-6590-1]; RIN 2070-AB78 Online at: Tebufenozide; Pesticide Tolerances for Emergency Exemptions AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Final rule. … III. Emergency Exemption for Tebufenozide on Grapes and FFDCA Tolerances Grapes are California’s number one ranked crop in […]

  • Irish get teeth into man-made fluoride

    IRISH activists and MEPs have called upon Environment Commissioner Margot Wallstrom to remove wording from an EU drinking-water directive that allows a type of fluoride classified as an ‘industrial waste chemical’ to enter local water supplies in Ireland and the UK. Hexafluorosilic acid has been added to certain regional water supplies in both member states […]

  • Letter from MEP: Say no to fluoride

    The call from Britain’s top dental body for Holyrood to add fluoride to Scotland’s water must be strongly resisted. The British Dental Association (BDA) claims adding this chemical to our water would help to fight the appalling tooth decay still prevalent in some parts of Scotland. However, even by its own admission, the dental health […]

  • Hydrogen fluoride is ubiquitous throughout the Milky Way

    ESA’s Herschel infrared space observatory has found that hydrogen fluoride molecules are everywhere in interstellar gas clouds. They betray hidden reservoirs of gas, and may ultimately become a key tracer of star-forming gas clouds in distant galaxies. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe, making up three-quarters of the normal matter. But at […]

  • Guernsey: Anglers at St Saviour’s reservoir warned over eating fish

    Anglers in Guernsey have been asked to limit the number of fish they eat from St Saviour’s reservoir, after a chemical was detected in the water. Environmental Health said the chemical was known as PFOS, and was a component of fire-fighting foam. It stressed that while anglers were unlikely to be eating enough fish to […]

  • Toxic ash threatens Iceland animals

    Farmers in southern Iceland have been racing to protect their animals from being poisoned by volcanic dust. The animals are at risk of fluoride poisoning if they inhale or ingest the ash, leading to internal bleeding, long-term bone damage and teeth loss. Sheep, cattle and horses were rushed to shelter after they got lost in […]