
  • Scotland to face yet another fluoridation push

    FLUORIDE will be added to large parts of Scotland’s water supply as part of a controversial compromise plan by the Scottish executive to mass medicate children. Labour ministers, who have faced widespread opposition to blanket fluoridation, will instead give health boards the power to order Scottish Water to add the chemical to supplies following public […]

  • Fury over new bid to have fluoride on tap

    HEALTH bosses in Glasgow have been warned they face fierce opposition as they launch a new push to get fluoride put into the city’s water. NHS Greater Glasgow wants the Scottish Executive to introduce fluoridation as quickly as possible – against the advice of one of the city’s top dentists. Robert Broadfoot, dental director of […]

  • Look what fluoride did to my girl’s teeth…

    CARENA Smith’s teeth will never recover. Mottled brown and warped, they were ruined by the chemical hailed as a cure-all for tooth decay. Carena, now 19, took fluoride tablets as a child to make her teeth strong. Instead, the chemical – which Glasgow NHS bosses want to add to public water supplies – poisoned the […]

  • Bottled water gives the brush-off to tooth decay

    DRINKING bottled mineral water protects teeth from the damage caused by sweet and acidic food, according to remarkable new research by a team of Scots scientists. As the debate rages over whether bottled water tastes any better than tap, the researchers have discovered that the simple act of drinking two glasses of mineral water a […]

  • Teething troubles

    Many of us put our trust in chemical fluoride as a safe and effective weapon in the fight against tooth decay. In parts of the UK, water supplies come with fluoride already added, and dentists here have recently called for this practice to be made more widespread. However, the British enthusiasm for fluoride is not […]

  • Greens Will Lead Fight Against Blair Mass Medication Plans

    The Green Party today signalled its readiness to play a leading role in opposing government plans to fluoridate water across the whole of Britain. Commenting on information leaked to today’s Sunday Times, Green Party health spokesperson Martyn Shrewsbury said today: “The general trend in the world is against fluoridation. It’s quite incredible that Tony Blair […]

  • Is fluoride good for our health?

    This week, leaked Government papers revealed plans to add fluoride to all drinking water in England and Wales. Although the addition of fluoride to our water has been proved to reduce tooth decay, it is controversial – fluoride may also be linked to increased risks of osteoporosis, kidney problems, and even cancer, and some say […]

  • Leading Cancer Researcher Opposes Water Fluoridation

    Dr Sam Epstein, Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition, author of “The Politics of Cancer”, and “The Politics of Cancer Revisited”, strongly supports MP John Butterfill’s Early Day Motion 1258, on FLUORIDATION OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES 20.05.03, which states: “That this House considers that the only chemicals which should be added to public water are […]

  • Poison peril lurking in our tap water

    Toxic industrial waste is not easy to get rid of these days as disposal costs can run into billions. Some polluting companies have found a way round this dilemma by pretending their highly toxic fluorosilicate waste is the same as naturally-occurring calcium fluoride. Dangerous industrial waste is simply sold on to fluoridating water companies in […]

  • Fluoride and Our Rights

    ********* Douglas is a forensic ecologist and toxicologist, who sits on the government inquiry into the Camelford water poisoning of 1988. Here he tells how he is opposed to the adding of fluoride to the public water supply ********* SHOULD Primary Health Care Trusts be allowed to require water companies to fluoridate public drinking water […]