
  • New Fluoride Warning for Infants

    Does your drinking water contain added fluoride? If so, keep it away from infants under the age of one. This directive was issued recently by an unlikely source: the American Dental Association (ADA). In a November 9th email alert sent to all of its members, the ADA noted that “Infants less than one year old […]

  • Ban Proposed on Fluoride Supplements

    Tablets and chewing gum that contain fluoride are to be banned in Belgium over fears they might increase the risk of brittle bone disease. The Belgian health ministry confirmed on Tuesday it was considering the plan – thought to be the first such ban in the European Union. However, a spokesman said there was no […]

  • Countries that Fluoridate Their Water

    Quick Facts: Most developed nations do not fluoridate their water. In western Europe, for example, only 3% of the population consumes fluoridated water. While 25 countries have water fluoridation programs, 11 of these countries have less than 20% of their population consuming fluoridated water: Argentina (19%), Guatemala (13%), Panama (15%), Papa New Guinea (6%), Peru (2%), […]

  • FAN in the News: 2007 – 2010

    FAN in the News: 2001-2006 2011-2012 2010: Connett Raising Fluoride Awareness – Daily Courier Observer (New York) – December 18, 2010 The professor emeritus of chemistry at St. Lawrence University recently published a book, “The Case against Fluoride,” and has spent most of this fall traveling around the globe promoting it… Mr. Connett is the head […]

  • FAN in the News: 2001 – 2006

    FAN in the News: 2007-2010 2011-2012 2006: Health dept. issues fluoridation warning – Bratteboro Reformer (Vermont, USA), December 19, 2006 “But Michael Connett, an anti-fluoride activist who works for the Fluoride Action Network, said the health department warning is an important wake-up call and should not be taken lightly. For years, Connett said, both the […]

  • Water Fluoridation Status in OECD Nations

    Quick Facts: Most developed nations, including 97% of western Europe, do not fluoridate their drinking water. Of the 34 countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), only 10 have water fluoridation programs. Four of the 10 OECD countries with water fluoridation programs have less than 15% of their population drinking fluoridated water: […]

  • Fluoride & Goiter

    Goitre (aka goiter) is an enlargement of the thyroid gland that in some cases can produce visible swelling in the neck. The main cause of goitre is iodine deficiency. Goitre can also be caused by other things, including hypothyroidism and substances that cause goitre (goitrogens). Since as far back as the 19th century, fluoride has […]

  • Water Fluoridation Status in Western Europe

    As the following table shows, only 3% of the population in western Europe is currently consuming fluoridated water. Europe’s reasons for not fluoridating its water are explained here. Despite not fluoridating its water, tooth decay rates in these western European countries are no higher than in the few western countries (e.g., the United States) that fluoridate […]

  • Fluoride’s Impact on Thyroid Hormones

    Up through the 1950s, doctors in Europe and South America prescribed fluoride for this purpose in patients with hyperthyroidism. (Merck Index 1968). Fluoride was selected as a thyroid suppressant based on findings dating back to the mid-19th century that fluoride is a goitrogen (a substance that can cause goiter). When used as a remedy for hyperthyroidism, daily treatments of just […]

  • Is fluoride-induced hyperthyroidism a cause of psychosis among East African immigrants to Scandinavia?

    When people with a compensated fluoride-induced hypothyroidism move to a low-fluoride area, the fluoride-induced inhibition of the production of thyroid hormones ceases. In Scandinavia, the dietary intake of iodine is usually quite high due to iodized table salt and easy access to marine fish. Under these conditions, the elevated capacity for production of thyroid hormones may result in hyperthyroidism.