
  • Advancing our Nuclear Collaboration with the Czech Republic

    This week, I joined with the Rez Nuclear Research Institute, the U.S. Embassy in Prague, Texas A&M and the Czech Nuclear Education Network in Prague, Czech Republic, to announce a series of bilateral nuclear research and development programs that will help to advance safe and secure nuclear energy technologies in both countries. Prague has long […]

  • New Air Conditioning Refrigerant Faces Protests from Daimler and Volkswagen

    Air Conditioning units are meant to keep everything cool. However, as the European Union pushed for the switch of refrigerants from R-134a to R-1234yf for new cars this 2013, things have gone hot. The new chemical was developed by Dupont and Honeywell. It was a product of years of research and millions of dollars of […]

  • Fluorspar: An Investment Opportunity?

    Fluorspar is an industrial mineral that is composed of calcium fluoride (CaF2), which is made up of 51.1 percent calcium and 48.9 percent fluorine. Fluorspar takes its name from the Latin word “fluo” — which means “flow” — as it lowers the melting point of metal ore and and helps it flow more easily. Fluorspar […]

  • The next Allentown water issue could be fluoridation

    As long as passions are running hot and heavy in Allentown over whether to hock the city’s water system decades into the future, it may be a good time to consider whether to continue injecting poison into that system’s drinking water. A little bit of poison won’t hurt anybody, it has been argued since the […]

  • GUEST OPINION: Magical thinking about fluoridation in Sonoma County

    “For every complex problem, there is an answer that is clear, simple—and wrong.” — H.L. Mencken In an Aug. 7 Press Democrat story about Sonoma County’s new public health officer, Dr. Lynn Silver-Chalfin, we read that in her capacity as assistant health commissioner for New York City, she helped the city ban trans fats. This […]

  • The health risks posed by water pollution in the Gaza Strip

    The worsening problem of water in the Middle East is one of the most significant and dangerous struggles currently facing the region today. From issues of continuous deterioration in quality, to those of limited availability and high competition for that available, the situation is critical. All of this and more has made the search for […]

  • Connett Tour to Inject Momentum to Fluoride Free Campaign

    Dr Paul Connett’s upcoming tour of New Zealand towns and cities is set to inject further momentum into the groundswell of opposition to adding fluoride chemicals into the public drinking water. Dr Connett is a world leading expert in fluoridation, the coauthor of a book The Case Against Fluoride and Executive Director of Fluoride Action […]

  • New Shape for the Bauxite and Alumina Industry

    Bauxite and Alumina 8th Edition The shape and dynamics of the global bauxite and alumina industry are changing, according to a new report from Roskill. New alumina refining and bauxite production capacity will boost supply over the next five years to meet the rising demand for aluminium, mainly from China, but also other growth areas such […]

  • Windsor. Jarvis: ‘Even with these doubts, you keep giving this stuff to people?’

    Why would a city pay to force its residents to ingest nocuous industrial waste for no reason? That’s what the reams of documents on fluoridating water, the conflicting claims and counter-claims threatening to bury city council, boil down to. I was horrified to find out where the fluoride added to our drinking water comes from: […]

  • Turning ore into profit — for us

    AN ALUMINIUM smelter has been operating in Mozambique for the past ten years, taking the country’s electricity to produce metal used in European and Japanese cars and aeroplanes. The profits, however, are benefiting foreign investors far more than anyone in Mozambique. The smelter, known as Mozal, after the company that owns it, is immense. Sited […]