
  • Letter: Let’s not dilute the issue of our water fluoridation

    An abridged version of an open letter and further correspondence to Dr Harry Comber, Director, National Cancer Registry Ireland. Cc: An Taoiseach Enda Kenny; Dr James Reilly, Minister for Health; Simon Coveney, Minister For Agriculture, Food and Fisheries; Phil Hogan, Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government; Dr Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer, HSE; Dr […]

  • Portland’s Fluoridation Opponents Could Learn a Lot from Fairbanks

    Like it or not, fluoridation is all mixed up in politics. I don’t like it at all, but I don’t always get what I want, as evidenced by Stanford beating the Ducks last Saturday. I also don’t like taking drugs unless I absolutely have to. Fluoride is a drug. It’s not an essential nutrient, like […]

  • War with Iran: Real, horrific costs, but what benefits?

    The Munk Debate on the question of war with Iran, to be held on Monday night in Toronto, could not be more timely. With elections finally decided in the United States and scheduled for January in Israel and July in Iran, all three countries will soon have leaders operating on new mandates. If they cannot […]

  • US chemical policy: Safe until proven toxic?

    It took a devastating hurricane for the health of the environment to become an election issue. But we need to be talking about more than climate change. We also need to be talking about chemicals. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, the book responsible for the onset […]

  • EU: Questions and Answers on the Commission proposal to reduce emissions of climate-warming fluorinated gases

    Questions and Answers on the Commission proposal to reduce emissions of climate-warming fluorinated gases 1. What is the European Commission proposing? The Commission has put forward a proposal to replace the existing Regulation 1 on fluorinated greenhouse gases with the aim of significantly reducing emissions of the gases in the European Union. By setting the […]

  • Will China’s Trade Agenda Squeeze Fluorspar Supply?

    One of the world’s leading experts on industrial chemicals explains the convoluted market for fluorspar, a component of many household products. In this interview with The Critical Metals Report, IHS Chemical’s Ray Will explains how a rebound of the global supply of fluorspar is tied to the fluctuating trade agenda of the mineral’s largest consumer, […]

  • EU scales back planned F-gas bans, opts for phase-out

    The EU has abandoned plans to ban global warming fluorinated gases from Europe’s commercial and industrial refrigerators, opting largely for a ‘phase-down’ approach intended to reduce the industry’s greenhouse gas emissions to a third of today’s levels by 2030. Isaac Valero, a spokesman for EU Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard, said that the package was “the […]

  • Hamilton: Feds to begin new study of firefighting pollutants

    The federal government is ramping up research into the same kind of historic firefighting pollution it refuses to help clean up at the Hamilton airport. Environment Canada is about to begin a feasibility study of remediation technologies that could be used on federal properties contaminated by chemicals such as perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), a now-banned ingredient […]

  • Department of Defense Grant Funds UGA Research into Chemical Cleanup

    GRIFFIN, Ga., Sept. 20 — The University of Georgia issued the following news release: Perfluorinated chemicals keep eggs from sticking to frying pans, protect furniture from spills and help firefighters fight blazes, but studies now show that some of these chemicals–particularly the ones used to fight fires–are also toxic to laboratory animals in varying amounts. […]

  • Nevada: Tertiary Minerals says new drill results point to MB being world class fluorspar deposit

    Tertiary Minerals (LON:TYM) said the latest data from its MB fluorspar project in Nevada points to a major deposit with “world class potential”. The London-listed mining exploration group announced the acquisition of MB in September. At the time it only had historic results from around 84 mainly shallow holes drilled on the periphery of the […]