Fluoride Action Network


  • Arsenic and fluoride contamination in water: Loot of exchequer exposed

    GUWAHATI, Oct 14: Arsenic and fluoride contamination in water continues to be a nagging problem in Assam. But then, this problem was the cash cow for those at the helm of affairs in the PHE Department from 2011-16, allegedly making a section of them richer with ill-gotten money. The department had Gautam Roy as its […]

  • Media: 3 major studies on urinary F levels published Oct 10, 2018

    Following the Media: On October 10, 2018, three significant studies—two of which were U.S. government funded (by the National Institutes of Heath and other U.S. agencies)– were published on urinary fluoride levels in the pregnant mother. Two studies linked the urinary fluoride levels in pregnant women to ADHD and thyroid problems in their offspring. A […]

  • New Research Suggests Levels Of Fluoride In Your Urine During Pregnancy Might Be Tied To ADHD Symptoms Later On

    At the end of the day, all that pregnant women want is to feel like they’re doing something right and that they’re keeping their unborn child (as well as themselves) safe. But there are so many things out there than can threaten that safety. Pregnant women are so used to hearing what they can’t do […]

  • Fluoride in pregnant women shows water is the primary source

    A new study suggests fluoride levels in the urine of pregnant women are twice as high for those living in Canadian cities which add fluoride to the water. This matter is of concern since a Mexican study found an association between prenatal exposure to fluoride and a lower IQ in children. Some women had twice […]

  • 1080 operation in northern Remutakas continues despite nationwide protests

    Note from FAN: Molecular structure of highly toxic Sodium fluoroacetate (known as 1080) Days after nationwide protests calling for a ban on the use of 1080 poison in forests, a 24,000 hectare bait drop was launched in the Remutaka Ranges. A break in the weather has allowed OSPRI to carry out a pre-feed pellet drop […]

  • Three New Studies

  • Study: Fluoride levels in pregnant women in Canada show drinking water is primary source of exposure to fluoride

    TORONTO, October 10, 2018 – A new study led by York University researchers has found that fluoride levels in urine are twice as high for pregnant women living in Canadian cities where fluoride is added to public drinking water as for those living in cities that do not add fluoride to public water supplies. The study “Community Water Fluoridation and Urinary Fluoride […]

  • BREAKING: Three New Studies Link Fluoride to Brain and Thyroid Disorders

    Three significant studies—two of which were U.S. government funded (NIH)–have been published today linking fluoride exposure to ADHD, thyroid problems, and showing that pregnant women in “optimally” fluoridated Canada have significantly higher levels of fluoride in their urine than women in non-fluoridated communities. This third study also showed that pregnant Canadians had fluoride urinary levels […]

  • Higher levels of urinary fluoride associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children

    Higher levels of urinary fluoride during pregnancy are associated with more ADHD-like symptoms in school-age children, according to University of Toronto and York University researchers. Dr. Morteza Bashash “Our findings are consistent with a growing body of evidence suggesting that the growing fetal nervous system may be negatively affected by higher levels of fluoride exposure,” […]

  • We add it to drinking water for our teeth — but is fluoride hurting us?

    Three new studies released today link fluoride exposure to ADHD and thyroid problems — and point to drinking water as the major source of exposure. Two studies — one from Canada and one Mexico — released today point to potential health problems from fluoride, which, in a majority of U.S. communities, is purposefully added to […]