
  • Fluoride or the Fox in the Henhouse

    In North Carolina there is a great range of music on the radio from classical to folk to the most avant-garde. An old tune caught my attention the other day. Some of its catchy words won’t let me go, and I think I am starting to know why: “Who broke the lock? Who broke the […]

  • DuPont recognises outstanding fluorine chemistry research by young scientists

    Geneva, Switzerland – In recognition of his outstanding creativity, innovation and productivity in recent fluorine chemistry research, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Riedl of the Berlin Institute for Chemistry and Biochemistry has received the very first International Young Talent Award in Fluorine Chemistry from DuPont Chemicals & Fluoroproducts (DC&F) at the occasion of the recent 17th European […]

  • Germany sold Syria chemicals with military potential -government

    BERLIN, Sept 18 (Reuters) – Germany exported 111 tonnes of chemicals to Syria between 2002 and 2006 that could be used in the production of sarin gas, according to a government document published on Wednesday. But the government rejected a suggestion from an opposition lawmaker that Germany might thereby have inadvertently contributed to the Aug. […]

  • Pro-fluoride letter writer a registered lobbyist

    Dr. Gerry Uswak speaks for a powerful lobby extravagantly funded by our tax dollars to promote toxic fluoride in our tap water. Rather than address directly the most recent scientific literature detailing the assaults on public health from fluoridated tap water, Dr. Uswak simply rhymes off a list of authorities caught in a time warp. […]

  • Fluoride debate comes to a head in New Tecumseth

    Tottenham is one of the only municipalities in our area to add fluoride to its drinking water, but that could soon change after a recent decision by local councillors to end the 40 year practice. “This stuff has lead, arsenic, cadmium, radium,” says Coun. Jim Stone, “like you could glow in the dark if you […]

  • Fluoride: Analysing the EPA report

    In the new issue of Hot Press, Adrienne Murphy reveals evidence that a report carried out by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) into possible links between pollution and severe animal and human health problems in Askeaton, Co. Limerick was seriously flawed. The area is downwind from three large industrial sites including the largest aluminum […]

  • Home Alone. Does Angela Merkel even have a foreign policy?

    With her third federal election triumph on Sunday, Sept. 22, German Chancellor Angela Merkel demonstrated that her preferred foreign policy direction is, well, inward — or at least one of non-intervention. Current crises around the globe — from the Syrian regime’s use of chemical weapons to Iran’s nuclear program to Egypt’s military coup — were […]

  • District Health Boards still in trouble with Fluoridation

    After breathing a brief sigh of relief, DHBs and the Ministry of Health must be deeply troubled that after 50 years of general propaganda, four months of a national level Big Brother style propaganda campaign from prominent figures like the Chief Science Advisor, and four weeks of propaganda blitzkriegs from the DHBs,  around 30% of […]

  • Santa Rosa: Connett to talk about fluoride issue Oct. 21

    Dr. Paul Connett will return to Santa Rosa on Monday, Oct. 21, to speak further about water fluoridation. Connett, a chemist and toxicologist, has consulted on fluoridation issues and has worked to stop public water fluoridation throughout the United States, Europe and Asia for the past 17 years. He will be taking questions from audience […]

  • Harvard Scientist Criticizes Wichita Paper’s Whitewash of Fluoride/IQ Study

    A poorly fact-checked article from a Kansas newspaper is being cited by well-funded advocacy organizations across the country to convince decision-makers, physicians and the public to disregard a peer-reviewed Harvard research paper linking fluoride to lower IQ in children, reports the Fluoride Action Network (FAN). Harvard scientist, Philippe Grandjean, MD, states the newspaper never “checked […]