Showing 1 to 10 of 15 Search Results:
Novel mechanism of fluoride induced cardiovascular system injury by regulating p53/miR200c-3p during endothelial dysfunction.
Zhang C, Wang Y, Huang F, Zhang Y, Huang M, Liu H, Liu Y, Wang Q, Liu C, Angwa L, Gao Y, Sun D, Jiang Y,
Journal Name: Environmental Research
Publish Date: February 13, 2025
Volume/Page: 121102.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Heart, Blood Pressure, Oxidative Stress, Endemic fluorosis areas
Fluoride-induced hypertension by regulating RhoA/ROCK pathway and phenotypic transformation of vascular smooth muscle cells: In vitro and in vivo evidence.
Yang W, Lu C, Chu F, Bu K, Ma H, Wang O, Jiao Z, Wang S, Yang X, Gao Y, Sun D, Sun H.
Journal Name: Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Publish Date: July 4, 2024
Volume/Page: 281:116681.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Heart, Blood Pressure
Fluoride Status and Cardiometabolic Health: Findings from a Representative Survey among Children and Adolescents.
Ballantyne JA, Coyle G, Sarwar S, Kühn T.
Journal Name: Nutrients
Publish Date: March 31, 2022
Volume/Page: 4(7),1459.
Type: Review
Categories: Heart, Blood Pressure, Susceptible Populations, Age, Total Body Burden, Tissue F Levels, Serum-F, NHANES, Sleep
Relationship of fluoride in drinking water with blood pressure and essential hypertension prevalence: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Davoudi M, Barjasteh-Askari F, Sarmadi M, Ghorbani M, Yaseri M, Bazrafshan E, Mahvi AH, Moohebati M.
Journal Name: International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
Publish Date: May 20, 2021
Volume/Page: [Epub ahead of print]
Type: Review
Categories: Heart, Blood Pressure, Endemic fluorosis areas, Systematic review
Association between fluoride exposure and cardiometabolic risk in peripubertal Mexican children.
Liu Y, Téllez-Rojo M, Sánchez BN, Ettinger AS, Osorio-Yáñez C, Solano M, Hu H, Peterson KE.
Journal Name: Environment International
Publish Date: November 15, 2019
Volume/Page: 134:105302. [Epub ahead of print]
Type: Human Study
Categories: Heart, Blood Pressure, Susceptible Populations, Age, Total Body Burden, Tissue F Levels, Serum-F, Sex-related difference
Cardiovascular dysfunction and oxidative stress following human contamination by fluoride along with environmental xenobiotics (Cd & Pb) in the phosphate treatment area of Togo, West Africa.
Melila M, Rajendran R, Lumo AK, Arumugam G, Kpemissi M, Sadikou A, Lazar G, Amouzou K.
Journal Name: Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology
Publish Date: 08-23-2019
Volume/Page: 56:13-20.
Type: Human Study, Occupational
Categories: Heart, Blood Pressure, Mechanisms of Cellular Toxicity, Oxidative Stress, Susceptible Populations, Chemical Co-Exposures, Total Body Burden, Tissue F Levels, Lead, Urine-F
Indoor air quality and health: Empirical evidence from fluoride pollution in China.
Lin Y, Liu F.
Journal Name: China Economic Review
Publish Date: March 7, 2019
Volume/Page: In Press, Corrected Proof
Type: Human Study, Review
Categories: Heart, Blood Pressure, Reproductive Toxicity, Susceptible Populations, Age, Total Body Burden, Infants, Sources of Exposure, coal, Prenatal exposure
Association of Hypertension, Body Mass Index, and Waist Circumference with Fluoride Intake; Water Drinking in Residents of Fluoride Endemic Areas, Iran.
Yousefi M, Yaseri M, Nabizadeh R, Hooshmand E, Jalilzadeh M, Mahvi AH, Mohammadi AA.
Journal Name: Biological Trace Element Research
Publish Date: March 14, 2018
Volume/Page: [Epub ahead of print]
Type: Human Study
Categories: Heart, Blood Pressure, Endemic fluorosis areas
An assessment of the relationship between excess fluoride intake from drinking water and essential hypertension in adults residing in fluoride endemic areas.
Sun L, Gao Y, Liu H, Zhang W, Ding Y, Li B, Li M, Sun D.
Journal Name: The Science of the Total Environment
Publish Date: January 2013
Volume/Page: 443:864-9
Type: Human Study
Categories: Heart, Blood Pressure, Endemic fluorosis areas
Drinking water fluoride and blood pressure? An environmental study
Amini H, Taghavi Shahri SM, Amini M, Ramezani Mehrian M, Mokhayeri Y, Yunesian M.
Journal Name: Biological Trace Element Research
Publish Date: December 2011
Volume/Page: 144:157-163.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Heart, Blood Pressure