Showing 21 to 30 of 71 Search Results:
Threshold effects of moderately excessive fluoride exposure on children’s health: A potential association between dental fluorosis and loss of excellent intelligence.
Yu X, Chen J, Li Y, Liu H, Hou C, Zeng Q, Cui Y, Zhao L, Li P, Zhou Z, Pang S, Tang S, Tian K, Zhao Q, Dong L, Xu C, Zhang X, Zhang S, Liu L, Wang A
Journal Name: Environment International
Publish Date: June 2, 2018
Volume/Page: 118:116-124.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Brain, Cognitive Function, Dental Fluorosis, Risk Factors, Total Body Burden, Tissue F Levels, IQ Score, Urine-F, *NTP2019, China-IQ
Polymorphisms in genes involved in enamel development are associated with dental fluorosis
Kuchler EC, Tannure PN, Oliveira DS, Charone S, Nelson-Filho P, Silva RA, Costa MC, Antunes LS, Calasans Maia MD, Antunes LA.
Journal Name: Archives of Oral Biology
Publish Date: January 18, 2017
Volume/Page: 76:66-69.
Type: Human Study, Epidemiology
Categories: Dental Fluorosis, Risk Factors, Susceptible Populations, Genetics
Chronic Exposure to Bisphenol A exacerbates dental fluorosis in growing rats
Jedeon K, Houari S, Loiodice S, Tran Thu T, Le Normand M, Berdal A, Babajko S.
Journal Name: Journal of Bone & Mineral Research
Publish Date: November 2016
Volume/Page: 31(11):1955-1966.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Dental Fluorosis, Risk Factors
Timing of fluoride intake and dental fluorosis on late-erupting permanent teeth
Bhagavatula P, Levy SM, Broffitt B, Weber-Gasparoni K, Warren JJ.
Journal Name: Community Dentistry & Oral Epidemiology
Publish Date: February 2016
Volume/Page: 44(1):32-45.
Type: Human Study, Epidemiology
Categories: Dental Fluorosis, Risk Factors
Association of dental and skeletal fluorosis with calcium intake and vitamin D concentrations in adolescents from a region endemic for fluorosis
Kajale N, Patel P, Patel P, Patel A, Yagnik B, Mandlik R, Patwardhan V, Khadilkar V, Chiplonkar S, Mughal Z, Joshi P, Phanse-Gupte S, Khadilkar A.
Journal Name: Bone Abstracts
Publish Date: 2015
Volume/Page: 4:P62.
Type: Human Study, Epidemiology
Categories: Bones/Joints, Skeletal Fluorosis, Dental Fluorosis, Risk Factors, Susceptible Populations, Nutritional Status, Calcium, Vitamin D, Endemic fluorosis areas
Fluoride exposure effects and dental fluorosis in children in Mexico City
Molina-Frechero N, Gaona E, Angulo M, Sanchez Pérez L, Gonzalez Gonzalez R, Nevarez Rascon M, Bologna-Molina R.
Journal Name: Medical Science Monitor
Publish Date: November 26, 2015
Volume/Page: 21:3664-70.
Type: Human Study, Epidemiology
Categories: Dental Fluorosis, Risk Factors, Total Body Burden, Sources of Exposure, Dental Products, Toothpaste
Nutritional status and dental fluorosis among schoolchildren in communities with different drinking water fluoride concentrations in a central region in Mexico
Irigoyen-Camacho ME, Garcia Perez A, Mejia Gonzalez A, Huizar Alvarez R.
Journal Name: Science of the Total Environment
Publish Date: September 28, 2015
Volume/Page: 541:512-519.
Type: Human Study, Epidemiology
Categories: Dental Fluorosis, Risk Factors, Susceptible Populations, Nutritional Status, Mexico
Enamel crystals of mice susceptible or resistant to dental fluorosis: an AFM study
Buzalaf MA, Barbosa CS, Leite Ade L, Chang SR, Liu J, Czajka-Jakubowska A, Clarkson B.
Journal Name: Journal of Applied Oral Science
Publish Date: June 2014
Volume/Page: 22(3):159-64.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Dental Fluorosis, DF Mechanisms, Risk Factors, Susceptible Populations, Genetics
Dental fluorosis: concentration of fluoride in drinking water and consumption of bottled beverages in school children
Perez-Perez N, Torres-Mendoza N, Borges-Yanez A, Irigoyen-Camacho ME.
Journal Name: Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry
Publish Date: Summer 2014
Volume/Page: 38(4):338-44.
Type: Human Study, Epidemiology
Categories: Dental Fluorosis, Prevalence, Risk Factors, Total Body Burden, Sources of Exposure, Juice/Soda/Beer
Fluoride concentration in commonly consumed infant juices
Omar S, Chen JW, Nelson B, Okumura W, Zhang W.
Journal Name: Journal of Dentistry for Children
Publish Date: 2014
Volume/Page: 81(1):20-6.
Type: Other, Food Survey
Categories: Dental Fluorosis, Risk Factors, Total Body Burden, Daily Intake Estimations, Infants, Sources of Exposure, Infant Formula/Foods