Showing 61 to 67 of 67 Search Results:
Investigation and evaluation on intelligence and growth of children in endemic fluorosis and arsenism areas.
Wang SX, Wang ZH, Cheng XT, Li J, Sang ZP, Zhang XD, Han LL, Qiao XY, Wu ZM, Wang ZQ.
Journal Name: Chinese Journal of Endemiology
Language: [Article in Chinese]
Publish Date: 2005
Volume/Page: 24:179-182.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Brain, Cognitive Function, Susceptible Populations, Chemical Co-Exposures, Total Body Burden, Tissue F Levels, Arsenic, Urine-F, *NTP2019, Endemic fluorosis areas
Adverse effects of fluoride and/or arsenic on the cerebral hemisphere of mice and recovery by some antidotes
Shah SD, Chinoy NK.
Journal Name: Fluoride
Publish Date: July-September 2004
Volume/Page: 37(3): 162-171.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Susceptible Populations, Chemical Co-Exposures, Arsenic, AChE
Biochemical effects of sodium fluoride and arsenic trioxide toxicity and their reversal in the brain of mice
Chinoy NJ, Shah SD.
Journal Name: Fluoride
Publish Date: April-June 2004
Volume/Page: 37(2): 80-87.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Arsenic, Chemical Co-Exposures
Influence of fluoride exposure on reaction time and visuospatial organization in children
Calderon J, Blenda M, Marielena N, Leticia C, Deogracias OM, Diaz-Barriga F.
Journal Name: Epidemiology
Publish Date: July 2000
Volume/Page: 11(4):S153
Type: Human Study, Epidemiology
Categories: Brain, Behavior, Cognitive Function, Arsenic, Chemical Co-Exposures, IQ Score, Visual-Spatial Ability
The effect of high levels of arsenic and fluoride on the development of children’s intelligence. (FAN Translation)
Zhang J, Yao H, Chen Y.
Journal Name: Chinese Journal of Public Health 1990 5(4):203-204. Published in Chinese and translated into English by the Fluoride Action Network
Publish Date: April 1998
Volume/Page: 17(2):119.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Brain, Cognitive Function, Arsenic, Chemical Co-Exposures, IQ Score, *NTP2019, China-IQ
[Effect of gastric mucosa in fluorosis and arsenic-fluorosis].
Xie H, Gui Y, Wang L.
Journal Name: Acta Academiae Medicinae Xinjiang
Language: Chinese (with English summary)
Publish Date: 1995
Volume/Page: 18(1):18-20.
Type: Human Study, Epidemiology
Categories: Gastrointestinal, Arsenic, Chemical Co-Exposures
[A clinical study on the syndrome of arsenism and fluorosis].
Huang Y, et al.
Journal Name: Acta Academiae Medicinae Xinjiang
Language: Chinese (with English summary)
Publish Date: 1992
Volume/Page: 15(1):14-17.
Type: Human Study, Epidemiology
Categories: Cancer, Heart, Susceptible Populations, Chemical Co-Exposures, Arsenic