
Endemic Fluorosis.

References Fawell J, Bailey K, Chilton J, Dahi E, Fewtrell L, Magara Y. Fluoride in drinking-water. London: World Health Organization, IWA; 2006. Google Scholar Black GV, McKay FS. Mottled teeth: an endemic developmental imperfection of the enamel of the teeth heretofore unknown in the literature of dentistry. Dent Cosmos. 1916;58(01):129–56. CAS  Google Scholar Shortt HE, McRobert GR, Barnard TW, Nayar ASM. Endemic fluorosis in the Madras presidency. Indian J Med

Spatial distribution, source identification, and health risk assessment of fluoride in the drinking groundwater in the Sulin coal district, northern Anhui Province, China.

Table 1 Hydrological record and fluoride content of groundwater from monitoring area in 2019 Parameters Rainy season Dry season Average rainfall (mm) 630 210 Water elevation (m) ?10.84 to 9.26 ?13.68 to 11.41 F? concentration (mg/L) 0.16–2.06 0.19–1.19 (Gao et al. 2013) Figure 1 View largeDownload slide CONCLUSIONS In this study, content distribution analysis and quantificational source apportionmen

Fluoride transport in Arabidopsis thaliana plants is impaired in Fluoride EXporter (FEX) mutants..

Introduction Fluoride (F-) is abundant in the environment, but is toxic to plant and animal life. Fluoride is naturally released into the biosphere by weathering of fluoride-containing minerals and from volcanoes and marine aerosols (Symonds et al. 1988; Weinstein and Davison 2004). Fluoride is released by coal burning and manufacturing processes involving metal smelting or chemical reduction of fluoride-containing minerals. Fertilizers used to enhance growth conditions for crops contai

Expert panel meeting on the health effects of fluoride in drinking water: Summary report.

Notes: While the pdf of this report is attached, the summary below is dated June 8-9, 2023 and modified on February 6, 2024. It is online at https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/environmental-workplace-health/reports-publications/water-quality/expert-panel-meeting-effects-fluoride-drinking-summary.html This report pertains to the Expert Panel for the February 6, 2024, report titled: Systematic review of epidemiological and toxicological evidence on health effects of fluorid

Fluoride – a scoping review for Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2023.

Fluoride has a well-documented role in the prevention and treatment of dental caries, but the mechanism is attributed to local effects on the tooth enamel surface rather than systemic effects. Fluoride is not considered essential for humans, no deficiencies are known, and no optimal range, which will not result in moderate fluorosis in some individuals, can be set. Recently, research studies have shown evidence for a relationship between fluoride intake and cognitive outcomes and interaction

Doses of fluoride toothpaste for children up to 24 months.

Discussion of study results This study shows that the two tested commercially available fluoride toothpastes for children aged up to 24 months were significantly overdosed by parents: Fluoride toothpaste A was overdosed by a factor 5.9 and fluoride toothpaste B was overdosed by a factor 7.2 (Tables 4, 5 and Figs. 2, 3). This is in line with other studies with older children who should use a pea-size amount of toothpaste but overdosed [28, 29]. Huebner et al. found that parents dosed

Fluoride exposure and thyroid hormone levels in pregnancy: The MIREC cohort.

2.1. Participants Pregnant women were enrolled in the Maternal-Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals (MIREC) Study (Arbuckle, 2013) between 2008 and 2011 from ten cities across Canada, seven of which add fluoride to drinking water (Toronto, Hamilton, Ottawa, Sudbury, Halifax, Edmonton, Winnipeg) and three of which do not (Vancouver, Montreal, Kingston). Women were eligible to participate if they were ? 18 years of age, able to communicate in English or French, and < 14 weeks’ gestatio

How effective and cost-effective is water fluoridation for adults and adolescents? The LOTUS 10-year retrospective cohort study.

2 | METHODS The LOTUS study (fLuOridaTion for adUltS) was a retrospective cohort study using routinely collected National Health Service (NHS) dental treatment claims (FP17) data, submitted to the NHS Business Services Authority (NHS BSA), between 22nd November 2010 and 21st October 2020. Data were collected in a range of NHS primary dental care settings, including: general dental practices, community dental services, domiciliary settings, prisons, urgent/out-of-hours and specialized referral-o