Fluoride Action Network


Fluoride exporter genes (FEX) are known for the expulsion of cytoplasmic fluoride, thus preventing fluoride toxicity in plants. In this study, 31 FEX genes were identified across 19 plant species. Camphor Resistance (CrcB) domain was found to be present in all the identified FEX genes in plants. FEX genes were sequentially very conserved among the plants and are located mostly in chloroplast and mitochondria. The tertiary structure (3D) of AtFEX1 suggests that FEX genes of plants possess pore I and pore II, necessary for fluoride export. The TTFSGWNQ and GCLSTVSTF motifs were found to be well conserved in pore I and pore II. Phenylalanine (Phe/F) was also present in both the motifs, necessary for fluoride ions recognition and export. Cis-acting analysis in promoter sequences of plant FEX revealed several elements associated with various functions such as phytohormone signaling, integrating biotic and abiotic stress responses in plants. Prolong fluoride exposure causes necrosis in young leaves in Vigna radiata. Expression of VrFEX1 and VrFEX2 were highly induced under exogenous fluoride, thus suggesting a possible role in fluoride detoxification.

Supplementary Information

*Original abstract online at https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs13205-021-02677-z




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