Court to Rule on Access to Federal Fluoride Debates, Science

Clarity on public access to pave way for decision on trial Little progress in obtaining public science, judge says Advocacy groups that want fluoride banned from drinking water can argue in court that the government should make the federal scientific information and comments they seek public, a federal district court judge said Thursday. Once the […]

Fluoride Plaintiffs Urge Judge Not To Wait For ‘Partisan’ Review Of NTP Study.

Anti-fluoridation groups are accusing several federal agencies of suppressing draft National Toxicology Program (NTP) findings on fluoride’s neurotoxic effects out of “partisan interests” in defending the practice, as they renew their push for a federal judge to use those documents in their long-delayed suit seeking a TSCA rule to ban or limit fluoridation. Plaintiffs in Food […]

Derrick Broze Interview – The Active Suppression Of The Damning #FluorideTrial Report

Joining me today is founder and editor of The Conscious Resistance and writer for The Last American Vagabond, Derrick Broze, here to discuss the ongoing #FluorideTrial and the recent report that was supposed to conclude the over four year process, yet this report was suppressed indefinitely with no explanation by the combined efforts of the CDC, NIH & HHS, including the personal […]

Further 27 councils being considered for mandatory fluoridation order.

Councils across the country may be ordered to fluoridate a further 93 water supplies. In November the director general of health wrote to 27 councils, from the Far North down to Queenstown, informing them one or more of their water supplies were being considered for fluoridation. It comes as the nine of the 14 councils […]

Green Groups Fight Another Bid To Delay Fluoride Risks Case.

Environmental groups on Thursday asked a California federal judge to reject federal regulators’ bid to delay the restart of a suit about the potential health risks of water fluoridation, and claimed an ongoing government review of a critical study has no end date and the document may never be published. Food & Water Watch and […]

Internal CDC Emails Claim Assistant Secretary For Health Blocked Release Of Fluoride Review.

Newly released emails reveal that leadership within the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institute of Health acted to prevent the release of long-delayed review of fluoride’s toxicity by the National Toxicology Program. The emails specifically claim that Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine intervened to stop the release of the NTP review, also […]

Oklahoma lawmaker seeking to ban fluoride in public water supply.

OKLAHOMA CITY (KOKH) — State Sen. Nathan Dahm has filed a bill that would prohibit fluoride from being added to any public water supply. “Many countries have stopped the use of fluoride in their water due to health concerns and lack of supporting evidence for its efficacy when ingested,” Dahm said. “Finland, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, […]

Researchers detect fluoride in water with new simple color change test.

Environmental contaminants like fluoride, lead and pesticides exist all around and even within us. While researchers have simple ways to measure concentrations of such contaminants inside lab environments, levels are much more difficult to test in the field. That’s because they require costly specialized equipment. Recent efforts in synthetic biology have leveraged cellular biosensors to […]

The Axis of Fluoride: Corporate Pollution in Argentina

Hundreds of thousands of tourists visit Puerto Madryn in Argentina’s Patagonia every year to see whales, penguins and sea lions. But the city of 120,000 people does not live mainly from tourism, but from Aluar, the largest aluminum factory in Latin America. This company’s smokestacks never stop working. For 30 years, a verbose 82-year-old mechanical […]

Western Berks Water Authority will not stop adding fluoride to drinking water.

The Western Berks Water Authority will not end the practice of adding fluoride to public drinking water. The authority board had discussed at a recent meeting the idea of no longer optimizing the fluoride in the water it provides. Michael Hart, board chairman, said the subject is one that has been brought up by a handful of […]