
  • Health Effects Database

    I. Introduction: The Health Database sets forth the scientific basis for FAN’s concerns regarding the safety and effectiveness of ingested fluorides. The database is the product of over 10 years of research by FAN’s research team, led by attorney-at-law Michael Connett. In 2012, Connett conducted an exhaustive review of recent scientific findings, including research that, up […]

  • National Research Council (2006)

    SUMMARY On March 22, 2006, the prestigious National Research Council of the National Academies of Science released a 450-page review of fluoride toxicity. The report, which was three years in the making, concluded that the safe drinking water standard for fluoride (4 ppm) causes significant damage to teeth, and places consumers at elevated risk for […]

  • International Signers

    The following professionals have signed the Professionals’ Statement Calling for an End to Fluoridation. — Original signers to the Statement do not have an asterisk preceding their name. — See below for links to U.S. signers. – Professionals can add their name to this statement by clicking here. AKWESASNE NATION Henry Lickers, BSc, Director, Department of […]

  • Luke (1997): The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland (Excerpts)

    “The results suggest that fluoride is associated with low circulating levels of melatonin and this leads to an accelerated sexual maturation in female gerbils. The results strengthen the hypothesis that the pineal has a role in pubertal development.”

  • Luke (2001): Fluoride Deposition in the Aged Human Pineal Gland

    This study has added new knowledge on the fate and distribution of fluoride in the body. It has shown for the first time that fluoride readily accumulates in the human pineal gland although there was considerable inter-individual variation

  • Dental Fluorosis in the U.S. 1950-2004

    Before the widespread use of fluoride in dentistry, dental fluorosis was rarely found in western countries. Today, with virtually every toothpaste now containing fluoride, and most U.S. water supplies containing fluoride chemicals, dental fluorosis rates have reached unprecedented levels. In the 1950s, it was estimated that only 10% of children in fluoridated areas had dental […]

  • Fluoride’s Mutagenicity: In vitro Studies

    According to the National Toxicology Program, “the preponderance of evidence” from laboratory “in vitro” studies indicate that fluoride is a mutagenic compound. Many substances which are mutagens, are also carcinogens (i.e. they can cause cancer). As is typical for in vitro studies, the concentrations of fluoride that have generally been tested are far higher (millimolar levels) […]

  • Kidney & Liver Damage found in Fluoride-Exposed Children

    A new study, to be published in the journal Environmental Research, adds further support to recent conclusions on fluoride toxicity by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). The study, conducted by a team of researchers at Tongji Medical College in China, suggests that fluoride exposure – at levels currently deemed safe by the US Environmental Protection […]

  • Excerpts from NRC Report

    According to the National Research Council, EPA’s “safe” water standard for fluoride puts a person at increased risk for both tooth and bone damage (“severe dental fluorosis” and bone fracture). While most of the press coverage has focused on NRC’s concerns with teeth and bone, there are many other serious concerns expressed in the NRC report.

  • Fluoride & Oxidative Stress: Yet More Evidence

    As with Dr. Guan’s team at the Karolinska Institute, Chinoy’s team found that fluoride increased the level of oxidative stress in brains of the fluoride-treated animals.