
  • World Net Daily writer says Fluoride is good for you. An open letter to Phil Elmore

    Writers Note: The following is a lengthy article with links to government documents. In order to fully understand the argument presented, it is suggested the reader save the documents and study them. Keyword searches of the terms presented below will help better understand the dangers of fluoride. After reading an article entitled Is flouride part […]

  • Fluoridation: Time For A Second Look?

    In 1997 the union representing scientists, engineers and lawyers at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Washington, D.C., voted to support a California citizen initiative to stop fluoridation of public drinking water. In 1999 the union’s vice-president released a paper explaining the union’s opposition to fluoridation.[1] Fluoridation is the practice of adding fluoride to […]

  • Researcher develops method for detecting dangerous fluoride

    Used in the proper amounts, it can make teeth stronger and aid in the treatment of osteoporosis. When excessive amounts are consumed, however, it can be a killer — a carcinogen that causes bone, lung and bladder cancers. The “it” is fluoride, a common additive in most American communities’ drinking water and an ingredient in […]

  • EWG: Proposed federal fluoride cap too high

    February 14, 2011 Howard K. Koh, M.D., M.P.H. Assistant Secretary for Health U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Community Water Fluoridation Comments Division of Oral Health National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion 4770 Buford Highway, NE, MS F–10 Atlanta, GA 30341–3717 Submitted to: Subject: […]

  • EPA standard for fluoride in drinking water Is not protective; tooth enamel loss, bone fractures of concern at high levels

    WASHINGTON — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s standard for the maximum amount of fluoride allowed in drinking water — 4 milligrams of fluoride per liter of water — does not protect against adverse health effects, says a new report from the National Academies’ National Research Council. According to the most recent data, just over 200,000 […]

  • Fluoride Can Cause Cancer, Studies Show

    Many published human and animal studies have reported an association between fluoride and various cancers, including valid and unrefuted scientific evidence that fluoride can increase the risk of osteosarcoma (a type of bone cancer) in boys and young men, reports the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) in its recent submission to the California Environmental Protection Agency’s […]

  • Dow’s Bait and Switch on Sulfuryl Fluoride

    Dear All, A few months ago, on October 4, 2002, we sent out an IFIN bulletin requesting our readers support in fighting a proposal by DOW to get an experimental use permit (EUP) for use of the fumigant sulfuryl fluoride on two food items; walnuts and raisins. The prposed new uise for this fumigant was […]

  • Scientists Urge Governor Whitman to Take Action to Fluoridate all New Jersey Water Supply

    New York, NY, April 9, 1997 — Scientists and physicians from the American Council on Science and Health have urged New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman to vigorously promote community water fluoridation in New Jersey. “Fluoridation remains the safest, most effective, and most economic public-health measure to prevent tooth decay and to improve oral health […]

  • Toothpaste Terror

    Cancer caused by mouthwash? Lethal doses of toothpaste? Natural oral care products are creeping onto store shelves, using scare tactics to increase their sales. Are they attempting a hostile takeover of the oral hygiene market by instilling fear in the American public? You decide. One natural toothpaste company warns on their website, “Check your toothpaste […]

  • Fluoride and Amalgam: An Introduction to the Debate

    By Todd Seavey It is ironic that some greens and leftists are now promoting fear of fluoride and believe in a government/dental establishment conspiracy to foist fluoride on an unwilling populace — since fear of a fluoride conspiracy was considered right-wing paranoia back in the days when Dr. Strangelove was filmed. Recall the brilliantly-acted scene […]