
  • Harvard Inquiry Into Fluoride Study Problematic

    To the editors: As someone who directed the Laboratories of Environmental Toxicology and Carcinogenesis at the Children’s Cancer Research Foundation (now known as the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute), and was a research associate in Pathology at the Harvard School of Public Health from 1960-1970, I am appalled at the controversy surrounding the investigation of Professor Chester […]

  • Adding Fluoride to Drinking Water: A Good Idea?

    Seeking to prevent tooth decay, many U.S. communities add fluoride to public drinking water, usually in the form of hydrofluorosilicic acid, which is a waste product of the phosphate fertilizer industry. From the beginning, the practice was controversial, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and American Dental Association (ADA) have vigorously supported […]

  • National Water Week Marked by Congressional Probe on Fluoridation

    In the week set aside by President Bush in 1990 for observance May 7 – 13, 2000 as National Drinking Water Week, the House of Representatives Committee on Science expanded their field of inquiry on fluoridation of public water systems to include other agencies that play a part in the decisions and actions surrounding the […]

  • Sodium Fluoride Proposed for Use in New Organic Standards

    Comments due by: June 12, 2000 In the proposed National Organic Standards Rule (the Rule), the USDA states its intention to allow the use of EPA’s List 4 Inerts as Allowed Substances for the production and handling of organic food… unless specifically prohibited. The List 4 Inerts includes sodium fluoride (NaF), but NaF should be […]

  • Fluoride Added to Congressional Hearing on Radon and Arsenic

    WASHINGTON D.C.–(BW HealthWire) On June 29, 2000, in what committee staff expect to be a long day of testimony on Maximum Contaminant Levels in water for Radon and Arsenic in the Senate Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Water, J. William Hirzy, Ph.D., Vice President of NTEU Chapter 280, will be seated on the witness panel […]

  • Health Officials ‘On the Ropes’ Over Fluosilicic Acid Coverup

    Recent successes by campaigners against artificial water fluoridation on both sides of the Atlantic were boosted today when correspondence, dated 4 April, between senior environmental and public health officials came to light.  During a bitterly fought campaign to prevent fluoridation in Wellington, Florida, the Palm Beach County dental director and promoter of water fluoridation, Robert […]

  • Senate Committee Requests EPA Review Of Fluoride Limit as Health Debate Flares

    The chairman of a Senate committee has asked the Environmental Protection Agency to review its standard for fluoride in drinking water because of renewed concerns over potential adverse health effects. In a July 25 letter to the agency, Sen. Bob Smith (R.-N.H.), chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, wrote that “recent scientific […]

  • In Honor of Dr. John Yiamouyiannis

    On October 8, 2000, a man of true honor and integrity passed away. Dr. John Yiamouyiannis, (known to friends and activists as “Dr. Y”), worked tirelessly for many years to expose the poor science supporting fluoridation, and will, we believe, be remembered as one of those rare kind of scientists who has the courage and […]

  • Facing up to Fluoride

    Since the 1940s, municipal water supplies across the United States have been routinely dosed with fluoride. Even if you don’t live in the half of America that adds fluoride to the water supply to help prevent tooth decay, low doses of fluoride occur naturally in virtually all water. It’s routinely added to toothpaste as well, […]

  • Hirzy: EPA drags feet on fluoride

    The Environmental Protection Agency ignores the dangers of fluoride in drinking water, according to Dr. Bill Hirzy, the chair of AU’s Chemistry Department. Hirzy discussed conflicts within the EPA, an organization he worked for from 1981 to 2008, in a Kennedy Political Union event Tuesday, Oct. 26. He served for three years as the president […]