
  • Fluoridation of Water: Questions about health risks and benefits remain after more than 40 years

    Chemical & Engineering News’ infamous and thorough review of the science underlying water fluoridation.

  • Harold Hodge, the University of Rochester, and Human Radiation Experiments

    Chapter 13: “The Rochester Production Line” On September 5, 1945, just three days after Japan formally surrendered, Los Alamos chemist Wright Langham sat down with scientists working at the Manhattan Annex, the secret research facility at the University of Rochester to plan the most comprehensive set of plutonium injections yet undertaken. This new round of […]

  • Transcript of CBC’s Broadcast: “Air of Death” (1967)

    The following is the portion of “Air of Death” that deals with fluoride pollution from a phosphate industry in Ontario, Canada.  STANLEY BURKE, CBC: Air pollution isn’t just a big city problem. A new phosphate plant back in 1960 brought a welcome boost to the economy of the quiet agricultural area around Dunnville in Southern […]

  • Westendorf’s Research on Incomplete Dissociation of Silicofluorides Under Physiological Conditions

    The Kinetics of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition and the Influence of Fluoride and Fluoride Complexes on the Permeability of Erythrocyte Membranes Dissertation to receive Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Hamburg By Johannes Westendorf Hamburg, Germany – 1975 (Click here to read Westendorf’s thesis) Reviewer:  Prof Dr. A. Knappwost Co-Reviewers:  Prof, Dr, Malomy Prof, DR, Strehlow […]

  • Latest Submission to NRC Panel on Fluoride/Bone

    Based on the following data, it is clear that the current MCL can not be relied on to protect against fluoride-induced bone damage, including: reduced bone strength, reduced bone density, increased mineralization defects, exacerbation of bone disease in people with kidney disease, and skeletal fluorosis of varying severity.

  • Kidney & Liver Damage found in Fluoride-Exposed Children

    A new study, to be published in the journal Environmental Research, adds further support to recent conclusions on fluoride toxicity by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). The study, conducted by a team of researchers at Tongji Medical College in China, suggests that fluoride exposure – at levels currently deemed safe by the US Environmental Protection […]

  • Excerpts from NRC Report

    According to the National Research Council, EPA’s “safe” water standard for fluoride puts a person at increased risk for both tooth and bone damage (“severe dental fluorosis” and bone fracture). While most of the press coverage has focused on NRC’s concerns with teeth and bone, there are many other serious concerns expressed in the NRC report.

  • New Research on Fluoride

    New scientific research on fluoride toxicity further highlights the misguided emphasis of most fluoride research in the US. Whereas the vast majority of fluoride studies in the US continue to focus exclusively on fluoride’s impact on teeth, the research identified below shows that fluoride’s impact on health extends well beyond the shiny, or mottled, surface of the tooth.

  • An Examination of Statements by US Public Health Officials on Fluoride Toxicity: Part 2

    In this bulletin, we address a statement about the alleged dose that causes skeletal fluorosis made by Colorado’s Dental Director, Dr. Diane Brunson.

  • An Examination of Statements by US Public Health Officials on Fluoride Toxicity: Part 1

    The problem here is not simply that Kassler made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. The problem is that to make a mistake of this magnitude requires a breathtaking degree of ignorance, and by extension incompetence, on the subject.