
  • Public health threat? Interview with Declan Waugh

    BANDON based environmental scientist Declan Waugh has called on the Government, in line with that done already by other European Union (EU) member states, to immediately end its policy of water fluoridation based on scientific knowledge that it is harmful to human health, marine life and the environment. His case for Ireland harmonising its public […]

  • Student government bill to install two fluoride-free drinking water fountains on Austin campus

    To protect the health needs of more students, Student Government is working on a plan to implement safer drinking water. Student Government passed a bill last week to install fluoride filters on at least two drinking fountains on campus, making UT the first college in the nation to offer such a plan, said Student Government […]

  • Should we fluoridate our water supply? No, says Elizabeth A McDonagh

    It’s a controversial question which rears its head every few years – should Wales fluoridate the water supply to improve notoriously poor dental health? Health Wales brought together two views from either side of the argument OUR principal objection to water fluoridation is that it is indiscriminate mass-medication by the state. Fluoridated water is presented […]

  • Carroll-Boone Water District: Fluoride costs rising

    The Carroll Boone Water District (CBWD) board will meet at 10 a.m. April 19 to consider proceeding with fluoridation of public drinking water despite not having sufficient grants to cover start-up costs. The board will discuss whether to use district funds to implement fluoridation. State legislation passed in 2011 mandated fluoridation of all water systems […]

  • Open Letter to the Director of the York Fluoridation Review – From Dr. Rudolf Ziegelbecker

    5 August 2000 From: Rudolf Ziegelbecker Graz, Peterstalstrasse 29, A-8042 Graz/Austria Tel/Fax: +43 316 471128 To: Professor Jos Kleijnen, Fax: ++44 1904 433661; Director of NHS CRD e-mail: The University of York NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) York, YO10 5DD, UK ______________________________________________ Open Letter: Systematic Fluoridation Review: Fluoridation of Drinking Water NHS […]

  • National Research Council of Canada (1977): Environmental Fluoride

    National Research Council of Canada NRC Associate Committee on Scientific Criteria for Environmental Quality Environmental Fluoride 1977 by Dyson Rose & John R. Marier National Research Council of Canada NRCC NO. 16081 ISSN 0316-0114 The Associate Committee on Scientific Criteria for Environmental Quality was established by the National Research Council of Canada in response to […]

  • NRC’s Findings

    The National Research Council’s report concluded that EPA’s safe drinking water standard (4 ppm) for fluoride is unsafe and “should be lowered.” The NRC based this conclusion on its finding that EPA’s 4 ppm standard places a person at increased risk for both tooth damage (severe dental fluorosis) and bone damage (bone fracture). While most of the press coverage of the NRC report focused […]

  • Sodium Fluoride Allowed in New Organic Standards

    Despite the fact that Sodium Fluoride “is a persistent, non-degradable poison that moves through the environment and accumulates in the soil and organisms” (Waste Not #461) the USDA is allowing for its use in the new National Organic Standards which are nearing completion. We need to act now to ensure that organic food production does not contribute […]

  • FAN in the News: 2007 – 2010

    FAN in the News: 2001-2006 2011-2012 2010: Connett Raising Fluoride Awareness – Daily Courier Observer (New York) – December 18, 2010 The professor emeritus of chemistry at St. Lawrence University recently published a book, “The Case against Fluoride,” and has spent most of this fall traveling around the globe promoting it… Mr. Connett is the head […]

  • FAN in the News: 2001 – 2006

    FAN in the News: 2007-2010 2011-2012 2006: Health dept. issues fluoridation warning – Bratteboro Reformer (Vermont, USA), December 19, 2006 “But Michael Connett, an anti-fluoride activist who works for the Fluoride Action Network, said the health department warning is an important wake-up call and should not be taken lightly. For years, Connett said, both the […]