
  • NRC (2006): Fluoride’s Neurotoxicity and Neurobehavioral Effects

    The NRC’s analysis on fluoride and the brain.

  • Fluoride & Human Health: An Interview with Dr. Kathleen Thiessen

    KATHLEEN M. THIESSEN is a senior scientist at SENES Oak Ridge, Inc., Center for Risk Analysis. From 2003 – 2006, Dr. Thiessen served as a panelist for the National Research Council’s (NRC) review Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards. She has extensive experience evaluating exposures, doses, and risks to human health from environmental […]

  • Fluoride Enhances Toxicity of Beryllium

    Occupational exposure to beryllium is well-documented to put workers’ health at risk. The two principal targets of beryllium poisoning are the respiratory system and the skin. Of all beryllium compounds, beryllium fluoride complexes (including beryllium fluoride and beryllium oxyfluoride) appear to be the most toxic. As shown below, studies dating back to the 1930s have […]

  • Poisoned Horses: Fluoride debate continues

    Dear Editor, I am Cathy Justus from Pagosa Springs, Colorado.  I have the sad distinction of owning the first horses to ever be diagnosed with “chronic fluoride poisoning” from artificially fluoridated municipal water.  I have this distinction not because it hasn’t been happening for years all over this world, but because vets, like doctors and […]

  • Anti-fluoride fight: Portland’s Roger Burt on front lines for 34 years

    There are other things Roger Burt should be doing right now. So many other things. He’s newly retired, so he and his wife, Jeannie, could be traveling the world. Or unpacking the boxes in the front hall of their new Laurelhurst bungalow. Or he could be following through on his plan to volunteer at a […]

  • Populations Vulnerable to Fluoride Toxicity

    One of the key problems with water fluoridation is that water is for everybody, but fluoride is not. Like virtually all other drugs, a given dose of fluoride can be safe for one person but harmful to another. Indeed, a vast body of fluoride research clearly demonstrates that certain subgroups in the population are particularly […]

  • Fluoride Chemicals Leach Lead into Water Supplies

    Fluoride chemicals, combined with other water additives, pull health-damaging lead from plumbing systems into drinking water, according to University of North Carolina researchers reported a North Carolina newspaper on May 18, 2005 (a). Fluoride is added to water supplies to prevent cavities, not purify it as some believe. A combination of chloramines and fluorosilicic acid, […]

  • Fluoride: The Hidden Poison in the National Organic Standards

    [Editors Note: This article raises serious health questions about the continued use of fluoride in food production, specifically organic farming systems, and in public water supplies. It leads to a larger discussion of allowable inert or secret product ingredients and permitted synthetic materials in organic agriculture under the national organic standards, adopted in December 2000. […]

  • Infant Fluoride Exposure

    Of all age groups, infants are the most vulnerable to fluoride toxicity. Due to their small size, infants receive up to 400% more fluoride (per pound of body weight) than adults consuming the same level of fluoride in water. Not only do infants receive a larger dose, they have an impaired ability to excrete fluoride through […]

  • Common household chemical tied to heart disease risk

    NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – People who had higher levels of a common synthetic chemical in their blood were more likely to have heart disease or have had a stroke, in a new U.S. study. The chemical, known as perfluorooctanoic acid or PFOA, is found in everything from food containers to ski jackets to carpets. […]