
  • Elgin communities to end fluoridation

    Two communities in the west end of Elgin County have opted to stop adding fluoride to their municipal drinking water. The decision by the municipalities of Dutton-Dunwich and West Elgin means fluoridation will end in about a month when the supply of the chemical runs out. Fluoride has been added to municipal water supplies for […]

  • Taking the fluoride out

    If fluoride is a toxic chemical and our government warnings regarding toothpaste and mouthwash are harsh, it may be a red flag to stop adding fluoride to our water. Although there is no fluoride in the north end of Lambton Shores (Lake Huron Water) system, Forest is part of the LAWSS system out of Sarnia […]

  • Doubts remain about water fluoridation effectiveness

    Restaurants, schools and society have accepted that some people are allergic to peanuts and have accommodated their needs through needed regulations and protocols. And doctors, nurses and the medical community have taken steps to protect patients who are hyper sensitive to penicillin. So why, asks Carole Clinch, research co-ordinator for People for Safe Drinking Water, […]

  • Fluoride debate hits Norfolk County

    A glass of municipal water could soon no longer keep the dentist at bay. Norfolk council will review a staff report tonight recommending the removal of fluoride from both Simcoe and Delhi water systems. The report prepared by the county’s environmental services division cites operators’ long-term exposure to Hydrofluosilicic acid and reliance on equipment to […]

  • Region debates fluoridation of tap water

    When there’s doubt, take it out. That was the message councillors delivered loud and clear Thursday night after taking the first step to remove fluoride from drinking water in all Halton municipalities. Members of the region’s health and social services committee supported a motion by Halton Hills councillor Clark Somerville to stop fluoridating water in […]

  • End water fluoridation, professor says

    Back in the 1960s, when the fluoridation of water became widespread, objections to the practice tended to come from the fringes. It was a communist plot to poison the water supply, came the cry from some quarters. Today, as municipalities begin to debate fluoridation anew, the arguments against it are more mainstream. Halton’s Health and […]

  • Canadian doctors spurn hazardous fluoridation of water

    The Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE) does not support fluoridation of drinking water for the following reasons. 1) The decline in caries in communities that are fluoridated has been highly significant — but so has the decline that has occurred in non-fluoridated communities. There has, in fact, been a general decline in […]

  • The Absurdities of Water Fluoridation (Toronto does it)

    Toronto adds poisonous fluoride to your drinking water. It’s a toxic waste product and many health officials decry its use as causing bone cancer, mottled teeth and for being ineffective at reducing cavities when drunk. Water fluoridation is a peculiarly American phenomenon. It started at a time when Asbestos lined our pipes, lead was added […]

  • Toronto: Fluoride in water a danger?

    A recent study by Statistics Canada concludes the addition of fluoride to the drinking water in Ontario may have no positive impact on dental health. The research compares Ontario—the province with the highest amount of fluoridation—to Quebec, which greatly limits the addition of fluoride. Tooth decay rates are very similar, suggesting fluoridation may be useless. […]

  • Why water shouldn’t be fluoridated

    Note: This article originally titled “Why water shouldn’t be fluoridated” published on October 17, 2010, was updated on May 1, 2018, with the title “Should we question the fluoridation of water?” Paul Connett: ‘I haven’t brushed with a fluoridated toothpaste for 14 years. My teeth are fine.’ Fluoridation has been with us for nearly 50 […]