
  • Cleveland: Fluoride in water debated by group

    A group of concerned residents is working to have fluoride removed from the city’s water system. Fluoride in public water supplies has long been touted as a way to prevent tooth decay. In recent years, some communities have discontinued the practice. The recently formed Community Coalition in Cleveland is seeking to have Cleveland Utilities remove […]

  • The Fluoride Debate: One More Time

    THE 40-YEAR-OLD CONTROVERSY over the use of fluoride in drinking water threatens to erupt from dormancy this month as the government gets ready to make public new data on fluoride’s cancer-causing potential. Since the 1940s, sodium fluoride has been added to toothpaste and public water systems to prevent tooth decay. Opponents have resisted the practice […]

  • Improving Pakistan’s Communal Health

    We sometimes take it for granted that nature provides a clean environment that does not affect human health, but this is far from the truth. “All substances are poisons; there is none which is not a poison. Only the dose differentiates a poison and a remedy” said Paracelsus, the founder of Toxicology. Disease is an […]

  • USA: More About Fluoride.

    This excerpt was provided free by Science Direct; the full article requires payment. … The  supporting  cancer  hazard  evidence  was  an animal  study  sponsored  by  the  government’s  National Toxicology  Program  (Lancet,  Feb  3,  p  282).  Since  then,  the Public  Health  Service  has  responded  to  this  and  similar news  stories  by  reaffirming  its  confidence  in  the  […]

  • ‘He knows nothing from a specialist point of view’: Health minister slams controversial Paleo chef Pete Evans for opposing teeth-saving fluoridation of water supplies

    Celebrity chef Pete Evans strongly endorses fluoride-free water But Health Minister Jillian Skinner said he is putting people’s health at risk  She also added she has refused to watch Evans’ show My Kitchen Rules Medical professionals say fluoride protects from tooth decay Australian Dental Association supports water fluoridation Health Minister Jillian Skinner has slammed celebrity chef […]

  • The Madrid Statement on Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs)

    The Madrid Statement documents the scientific consensus regarding the persistence and potential for harm of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), and lays out a roadmap to gather needed information and prevent further harm.  Click here to sign As scientists and other professionals from a variety of disciplines, we are concerned about the production and release […]

  • Letter: Dentistry prof recommends voting fluoridation out

    To the editor: I served 3.5 years on the US National Academies of Sciences Subcommittee on Fluoride in Drinking Water. The NAS is sometimes referred to as the “Supreme Court of Science,” an organization that sets up unbiased (or balanced) committees to review scientific issues of concern to Americans. The committee on which I served […]

  • PFOA report: Poisoned Legacy

    DuPont’s Dirty History In 2005 the Environmental Protection Agency fined chemical giant DuPont a record $16.5 million over its decades-long cover-up of the health hazards of C8, also known as PFOA. One of a family of perfluorinated chemicals, or PFCs, PFOA was a key ingredient in making Teflon, the non-stick, waterproof, stain-resistant “miracle of modern […]

  • Ban on fipronil spray slated to take effect in 2016

    Fipronil molecular formula (SEE ADVERSE EFFECTS) TAIPEI, Taiwan — Farmers will be legally banned from spraying fipronil on tea trees as of Jan. 1 next year, according to an announcement by the Council of Agriculture (COA) yesterday. Since the tea scare broke out this April, several cases of fipronil contamination have been discovered. Fipronil is […]

  • Portsmouth. Report: Federal PFC levels not protective enough

    PORTSMOUTH — An article just published by public health professors from Harvard University and Boston University concludes that the provisional health advisory level for a chemical found in three city wells “may be 100-fold too high.” The city closed the Haven well in May 2014 after the Air Force tested the well and found levels […]