
  • Nuclear flasks fail safety test in new blow for BNFL

    Flasks used by British Nuclear Fuels to transport dangerous radioactive material can resist fire for less than three minutes, newly released research reveals. The revelation will provide fresh headaches for the crisis-ridden BNFL, which runs a major business using the flasks. New safety regulations demanded by the United Nations mean that all the flasks will […]

  • Pakistani Said To Have Given Libya Uranium

    The network led by the Pakistani nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan shipped partly enriched uranium directly to Libya aboard a Pakistani airplane in 2001, providing the fuel stock in addition to the designs and technology to make a nuclear bomb, according to a report by Malaysian investigators released Friday. The report provides a wealth of […]

  • The wrong sort of helping hand

    The nuclear suppliers group (NSG) released a statement outlining its conditions for allowing the transfer of nuclear technology to India for use in IAEA safeguard facilities. According to the statement, the NSG “note(d) steps that India has voluntarily taken” to institute “a national export control system capable of effectively controlling transfers of multilaterally controlled… nuclear-related […]

  • Protests as biggest ever nuclear waste load goes to Siberia

    Several environmental organisations are protesting at what they call biggest ever delivery of radioactive waste to Russia. The load is being transported from Germany to Siberia for processing. More than 1,200 tons of uranium hexafluoride – a compound left over from enrichment of nuclear power plant fuel – was delivered to St. Petersburg on March […]

  • St. Petersburg: Ecologists Decry Arrival of Nuclear Waste

    About 30 members of St. Petersburg’s ecological organizations protested on Thursday the transportation of nuclear waste from other countries to Russia. “No to the Import of Nuclear Waste!” read the slogan held by a group of ecologists in front of Avtovo metro station — the area of the city through which trains transporting nuclear waste […]

  • UK: URENCO plans tails plant at Capenhurst

    Preliminary planning consent has been granted to URENCO ChemPlants Ltd – a wholly owned subsidiary of international energy and technology group URENCO – to build a new Tails Management Facility (TMF) at its site at Capenhurst, near Chester, UK, for the treatment and management of depleted uranium hexafluoride. Nuclear sector design specialist Morgan Professional Services […]

  • Germany: Incident at Gronau enrichment plant

    Urenco is investigating after a worker at Germany’s Gronau enrichment plant was exposed to uranium hexaFLUORIDE. The incident occurred on 21 January when, during preparation of a container, a release of the radioactive substance occurred. One employee of who was operating at that time was admitted to hospital as a precaution for 24 hours for […]

  • Russia: Ship carrying nuclear waste arrives in St. Petersburg

    A ship carrying 650 tons of uranium waste arrived in Russia’s second largest city, St. Petersburg, Greenpeace said on Monday. The dangerous cargo of uranium hexafluoride (UF6), which belongs to the French nuclear energy group Areva, was then loaded onto railway cars to be transported to the Siberian Chemical Combine in the Tomsk region, the […]

  • Refiners unnecessarily put millions at risk

    WASHINGTON – Some U.S. refineries are using an extremely hazardous chemical that threatens the health and safety of millions of people even though there is a cost-effective and less toxic alternative, a consumer advocacy group said Thursday. The Public Interest Research Group, an advocate of stronger environmental and consumer protection laws, is urging Congress to […]

  • Bush Handed DuPont Goodbye Gift Over Toxic Teflon Chemical

    WASHINGTON, February 6, 2009 – The Charleston Gazette reports today that in the last weeks of the Bush administration, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) quietly handed DuPont Co. a three-year extension to complete tests mandated by a 2005 legal settlement on a toxic DuPont product. In a December 2005 settlement with EPA, DuPont agreed to […]