
  • DuPont gets more time for C8 studies

    DuPont Co. will have three additional years to complete key tests of whether the toxic chemical C8 is leaching out of consumer products, under a deal finalized during the final month of the Bush administration. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency lawyers agreed to extend DuPont’s deadline – originally set for Dec. 27, 2008 – for three […]

  • Faroe whales show new pollutant spreads worldwide

    OSLO (Reuters) – People who eat whale meat in the remote Faroe Islands in the North Atlantic have high levels of an industrial toxin in their blood in a worrying sign that the pollutant has spread worldwide, scientists said on Thursday. “This pollution is a new health concern for the Faroese and many populations worldwide,” […]

  • More stain repelling chemicals found in Inuit’s traditional food than in store foods.

    Ostertag, SK, BA Tague, MM Humphries, SA. Tittlemier, HM Chan. 2009. Estimated dietary exposure to fluorinated compounds from traditional foods among Inuit in Nunavut, Canada. Chemosphere 75 (9):1165-1172. The Inuit’s traditional diet of caribou, fish and whale contains more nonstick chemicals than store-bought foods, but the exposure poses minimal risk, say the study’s authors. Traditional […]

  • Environmental Regulations Growing More Complex

    Participants at an ISMI meeting on emerging environment, safety and health (ESH) regulations said the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants is expected to vote on a ban of PFOS in May. The possible ban is part of an increasingly complex set of environmental regulations, with China taking an ever-dimmer view of potential contaminants. The […]

  • EPA unveils plan to review 6 controversial chemicals, reform US toxics policy

    See EPA’s 6 Essential Principles for Reform of Chemicals Management Legislation President Obama’s top environmental official announced a new push to transform the way the nation regulates toxic chemicals that may endanger people and the environment. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson called the workings of a 1976 law ‘inordinately cumbersome and time-consuming’ and […]

  • UK survey of PFOS and PFOA in food

    FOOD SURVEY INFORMATION SHEET NUMBER 05/09 October 2009 SURVEY OF FLUORINATED CHEMICALS IN FOOD Summary Retail samples of a variety of foods on sale in the UK were analysed for a range of fluorinated chemicals, including perfluorooctane sulphonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). The results of this survey do not indicate any concern regarding human […]

  • UK: Dietary intake estimate for PFOS and other PFCs in UK retail foods

    Title of study: Dietary intake estimate for perfluorooctanesulphonic acid (PFOS) and other perfluorocompounds (PFCs) in UK retail foods following determination using standard addition LC-MS/MS Abstract The analysis of 252 food samples (UK-produced and imported) purchased from a variety of retail outlets in the UK was undertaken for the presence of perfluorooctanesulphonic acid (PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid […]

  • California Carcinogen Identification Committee new review on PFOS and Its Salts

    Note from FAN: See the first review by CA OEHHA, March 2009 See also the Environmental Working Group submission to OEHHA in May 2009 Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and Its Salts and Transformation and Degradation Precursors Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and its salts are perfluorinated organic compounds with surfactant properties. Common salts of PFOS include the ammonium, […]

  • China: Hormone Disruptors Found in Wild Yangtze River Fish

    Beijing, China — A new Greenpeace study has revealed the widespread presence of hazardous chemicals in wild fish caught along the length of the Yangtze River. Some of these chemicals have been banned or are under restricted use in European Union nations as well as other countries. In China, however, these substances are completely unregulated, […]

  • OECD Resources on Perfluorinated Chemicals

    Purpose of Web Portal: Scope This Web Portal is designed to facilitate information exchange on perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs). The portal is designed to allow stakeholders to share information on government activities related to their regulatory and stewardship efforts, updates on scientific developments, new technologies, available alternatives , and PFC-related events. Although the portal will be […]