
  • The Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: An Environmental Overview

    1. Introduction They call them “wet scrubbers” – the pollution control devices used by the phosphate industry to capture fluoride gases produced in the production of commercial fertilizer. In the past, when the industry let these gases escape, vegetation became scorched, crops destroyed, and cattle crippled. Today, with the development of sophisticated air-pollution control technology, […]

  • Fluoridation Chemicals Have Not Been Safety Tested – Here’s the Proof

    Investigations by the National Pure Water Association in England have revealed that — as in the U.S. — the chemicals used to fluoridate drinking water in England have never been tested for safety.

  • Tooth Decay Trends in Fluoridated vs. Unfluoridated Countries

    Most western countries do not fluoridate their water and yet their tooth decay rates have declined at the same rate as the U.S. and other fluoridated countries.

  • Fluoride & Tooth Decay: Topical vs. Systemic Effect

    When water fluoridation first began in the 1940s, dentists believed that fluoride’s main benefit to teeth came from being swallowed during the tooth-forming years. Today, the overwhelming consensus by dental researchers is that fluoride’s primary effect is topical, not systemic, and that this topical effect occurs after the teeth have erupted into the mouth (i.e., post-eruptive), not before. There is no need, therefore, to swallow fluoride, especially during infancy and early childhood.

  • The Mystery of Declining Tooth Decay

    Large temporal reductions in tooth decay, which cannot be attributed to fluoridation, have been observed in both unfluoridated and fluoridated areas of at least eight developed countries over the past thirty years. It is now time for a scientific re-examination of the alleged enormous benefits of fluoridation.

  • Water Fluoridation Challenged: Researcher Cites Decline in Tooth Decay Before Programs Began

    Fluoridation of water, long credited with the large decline in tooth decay in much of the world during recent decades, might actually have played only a minor role, an Australian public health researcher has concluded after reviewing many previous studies. However, an official of the American Dental Association challenged the interpretation, asserting that many studies […]

  • Recent Study on Fluoride & Elk Makes Headlines

    As some of you may know, a recent study on fluoride and elk has been attracting quite a bit of media attention recently. The study, published in the journal Ecosystems by scientists at Montana State University, looked at the effects of excess fluoride on the lifespan of elk in Yellowstone National Park.

  • Fluoride: “No Convincing Effect” on Permanent Teeth

    A team of European researchers have put fluoride to the test – and fluoride (devoid of anecdotal ‘evidence’ from enthusiastic dentists) appears to have flunked.

  • A review of recently published papers on fluoride

    First, my apologies to Science-Watch bulletin readers for the length of time that has transpired since the last bulletin. I have been working on a new science-based database on fluoride/health effects that we hope to post on the FAN website in the not-too-distant-future. It should prove to be an exciting addition to the current array […]

  • Breast-Feeding May Boost IQ

    Children who were breast-fed exclusively for the first three months of life or longer scored nearly six points higher on IQ tests at the age of 6 than children who weren’t breast-fed exclusively, a new study has found.