
  • Fluoride: Top 10 Scientific Developments of 2006

    Over the past year, many important papers on fluoride toxicity were published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. To give an indication of this recent research, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) has selected the “Top 10” scientific developments of the year, from 2006 through to the early weeks of 2007. 1) National Research Council: EPA’s fluoride […]

  • How Many Nations Fluoridate Their Water?

    Lending further evidence to the notion that those promoting fluoridation cannot perform (or at least comprehend) even the simplest arithmetic, is the way they cannot work out either accurately – or even approximately – how many countries in the world actually fluoridate their water. One would have thought with a large work force at its […]

  • Fluoride Concerns Surface Once Again

    Despite decades of adding fluoride to drinking water to protect teeth from decay, there are growing concerns about the efficacy and the safety of this practice. Spurred by new research on fluoride’s health effects and at the request of the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Academies’ National Research Council (NRC) has begun another review of the problems of water fluoridation.

  • Estimated “Threshold” Doses for Skeletal Fluorosis

    For over 40 years health authorities stated that in order to develop crippling skeletal fluorosis, one would need to ingest between 20 and 80 mg of fluoride per day for at least 10 or 20 years. This belief, however, which played an instrumental role in shaping current fluoride policies, is now acknowledged by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and other US health authorities to be incorrect.

  • Harvard/Bone Cancer Files

    Overview In 2005, the National Institute of Health (NIH) began an investigation into scientific misconduct at Harvard Dental School regarding an ongoing NIH-funded study on fluoride and osteosarcoma. The NIH launched the investigation following a request from the Environmental Working Group, which based its request on documents unearthed by FAN researcher Michael Connett. The documents suggested that Dr. Chester Douglass, a Colgate-affiliated advocate of […]

  • Government Reports & FAN Submissions

    Top 20 countries in population potentially affected by fluoride concentrations in groundwater greater than 1.5mg/L. From Global analysis and prediction of fluoride in groundwater by Podgorski J & Berg M, Nature Communications, August 2022. Countries with high level of fluoride in groundwater. Reproduced with the permission of the British Geological Survey ©UKRI, All rights Reserved, Permit […]

  • International Signers

    The following professionals have signed the Professionals’ Statement Calling for an End to Fluoridation. — Original signers to the Statement do not have an asterisk preceding their name. — See below for links to U.S. signers. – Professionals can add their name to this statement by clicking here. AKWESASNE NATION Henry Lickers, BSc, Director, Department of […]

  • The First Statement (2007-2018)

    The Statement is also available in: French | Italian | Spanish We, the undersigned professionals, come from a variety of disciplines but all have an abiding interest in ensuring that government public health and environmental policies be determined honestly, with full attention paid to the latest scientific research and to ethical principles. EIGHT recent events […]

  • Luke (1997): The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland (Excerpts)

    “The results suggest that fluoride is associated with low circulating levels of melatonin and this leads to an accelerated sexual maturation in female gerbils. The results strengthen the hypothesis that the pineal has a role in pubertal development.”

  • Dental Fluorosis Impacts Dentin in Addition to Enamel

    Dental fluorosis is a mineralization defect of tooth enamel marked by increased subsurface porosity. The enamel, however, is not the only component of teeth that is effected. As several studies have demonstrated, dental fluorosis can also impair the mineralization of dentin as well. As noted in one review: “The fact that human dentin also exhibits […]