
  • Portland letter: Fluoridation does more harm than good

    Like most of you, I’m not a doctor or scientist. And like all of you, I don’t have time to research every subject I need to make a decision about. We typically look to the opinions of individuals and organizations we know and trust and act accordingly. I’m the former chief executive officer of the […]

  • Decrease of Iodine Intake Found in Americans

    The iodine status of Americans has changed significantly over the past 20 years, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study published in October’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. While there were concerns in the 1970’s and 1980’s about possible high iodine intake, a laboratory indicator of iodine intake more recently […]

  • Tertiary Minerals’ Cheetham hails ‘significant milestone’ at Lassedalen fluorspar project

    Shares in Tertiary Minerals (LON:TYM) today rallied strongly as it unveiled the findings of a positive scoping study on the Lassedalen fluorspar project in Norway. The study found that Lassedalen is economically viable. This means that Tertiary now has two significant mine development projects in its pipeline. This has been well received by investors. And […]

  • Opinion: Fluoride Propaganda by First Five of Sacramento

    Image by: First Five are you getting fluoride? In a recent “Oral Health Begins At Birth” ad, First Five of Sacramento used disinformation to promote water fluoridation. The eight page ad was seen in the mid-August 2012 Sacramento News & Review. First Five was born out of Prop 10, using tax on tobacco to fund […]

  • Support for dental education, not fluoride, is needed

    I watched a Phoenix City Council subcommittee this month decide to spend $582,000 a year to keep adding fluoride to its tap water in an effort to reduce cavities. Scientific studies in the past few years make it clear that all of us are consuming too much fluoride. It’s in everything made with tap water […]

  • Patea and Waverley: Fiery debate precedes fluoride sign-off

    Before the battle lines were even set over whether Patea and Waverley should have fluoride in their water, the fighting had begun. South Taranaki District Council signed off on plans for public consultation on the contentious debate on Monday night. But the sign-off only came after debate over locations to be consulted and the rules […]

  • Water Fluoridation Affects Children’s IQ

    Why, in 1974, didn’t authorities learn from this terrible tragedy? A 3-year-old Brooklyn boy, during his first dental checkup, had fluoride paste applied to his teeth. He was then handed a glass of water, but the hygienist failed to inform him to swish the solution around in his mouth, and then spit it out. Instead, […]

  • Two Carroll-Boone Water District board seats being contested

    For the first time in anyone’s recollection, two seats on the Carroll-Boone Water District Board of Directors are being challenged in the upcoming general election… [The candidates] Matthews and Price-Backs have appeared at CBWD meetings over the last year, speaking out against fluoride and bringing information to the board about other communities across Europe and the […]

  • Hear Me Out: Should there be fluoride in our water supply?

    PHOENIX – Each Sunday, debuts an Arizona issue – along with two opposing sides on the topic. Don’t worry, you always have the opportunity to make comments at the bottom of the page. Yeah, your opinion matters, too. This weekend, we’re taking a look at the debate over fluoridation in our water supply. Carol […]

  • Ken Chernin Shares Extraordinary Stories of Tungsten and Fluorspar

    Tungsten and fluorspar may sound like dry subjects, but Jennings Capital Analyst Ken Chernin makes them positively magical. In this Critical Metals Report exclusive, Chernin transports us from Morocco to the dazzling Newfoundland coast, to “Tungsten Town” in Northern Canada. Along the way, we’ll meet visionary leaders who work miracles with project logistics, winning fiercely […]